Thursday, February 24, 2011

Let's talk about Vicks and Vomit!

For the past several months all I have been hearing and reading about is how sick everyone has been this winter. I'll click on my Facebook wall and literally every other status update is of someone or their family being sick. Everything from pneumonia, coughs, colds, runny noses, ear infections, vomiting, stomach flu, strep name it. They get it once and then they get it again. I was beginning to think it was contagious through Facebook. And every time I heard it or read it - I knocked on wood and gave a little kiss to God for blessing my family with good health all winter. We had not had so much as a sniffle - until this week!

Lillian woke up Tuesday morning with the stuffiest little nose. There is something so sad and pathetic about a little one that can't breath through their nose. Their little eyes droop and water. But, she kept up with her bubbly attitude and smiley face. Didn't skip a beat...and still hasn't really. I drown her body in Vicks every night before bed. Under her nose, her back, her chest, the bottoms of her feet - all covered in Vicks Vapor Rub! If I felt as awful as she sounds and looks - I'd be down for the count. But, she seems to be handling it quite well. Happy as a clam. I'm praying that continues.

So that explains the Vicks - now on to the vomit.

Tuesday night Alexa woke in the middle of the night asking for a drink of water - which isn't totally unusual. But, she woke up again at about 6 asking for more. I knew something was up and I was right. She jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom sick as can be. Poor little baby!! What's worse is when I jumped up to help her - I got really light headed and ended up passing out and hitting my head on the bathtub. Here I am laying unconscious in between the tub and the toilet and Alexa is puking her guts out right next to me. She is in a panic over me, having no idea what's going on and I wake up worried about her having watched me faint and her being sick. Complete nightmare. Adam was in the middle trying to calm us both down and reassure both of us that we're ok and they other is ok.

Alexa and I both went back to bed to rest. She got up a few more times, but seemed to sleep her sickness off. She was able to eat and get dressed and wanted to go to school. She was able to hold her food down, so I let her. I'm sure I'm going to get hate mail from all you Mom's who are upset that I sent my daughter to school to contaminate everything and everyone, but she was fine - sorry! As for me, I stayed home from work, rested and had a headache.

Alexa came off the bus as happy and chipper as she left. She had a great day. They had a wedding for the letters Q & U because they always go together. She was so happy to tell me all about it. She ate a great dinner and went to bed. She woke up this morning with the same routine - asking for a drink followed by vomiting. Adam is staying home with her today.
So, it's happened!! The sickies have hit the Lares'. I can't complain because it's really nothing compared to some of the stories I've heard. But still, it's no fun having sick kiddos. I'm banking on a nice relaxing weekend ahead to get ourselves healthy again.