Monday, January 31, 2011

Gimbal Udang


- 250gr tepung terigu
- bawang putih merah lada garam
- 1/2 sendok teh baking powder
- 150-200 cc air
- 1 Telor
- Tauge dan daun bawang
- Udang

Campur semuanya ke dalam satu adonan, aduk rata.
Lalu goreng dalam minyak panas. 

Losing Jackson

Life recently has been stressful but my biggest stress was when our hermit crab Jackson fell ill and did not seem to be anywhere near recovering. After separating him from his brother, Trent, he climbed out of his shell and within a day he had passed away. This devastated me beyond all else, the fact that my baby (for I loved him a little more than Trent who is more of a wild child) was ill and I could not do anything for him. He passed away last Saturday and the tank is hardly the same without him now that Trent ambles in it all by himself.

Hermit crabs may not be for everyone but these critters are certainly loving enough and Jackson's loss has a big impact on my life. I will miss him for the little quirks he had and the way he loved me even on the worst of days.


Tok-Reng adalah sejenis getuk yang digoreng
dan adonannya mudah dibuat.

- rebus atau kukus singkong

- lumatkan tidak terlalu lembut tambah dengan bumbu bawang merah, putih dan rajangan daun bawang, lada garam

- Buat gumpalan dg sendok makan, goreng dengan api sedang hingga warna kecoklatan.

- Untuk menggoreng dapat menggunakan minyak canola.

Ryan Summer Camp 2010

We are so proud of Ryan.  He made Eagle Scout in'm frantically trying to finish his Scouting Scrapbook before his court of honor!!!!  Here is one page that I had a blast making.  Most of the die cuts are made with my Cricut and the solutions Camping cartridge.  The dutch oven sticker is from a Karen foster scouting sticker sheet.  If anyone has any scouting scrapbook page ideas they would like to share...I'd love to see them!  Also, trying to come up with something for centerpieces for the court of honor ceremony.  We are going with a patriotic theme....would love ideas!

It's Monday, I'm Back, and I'm Reading!!!

I'm Back!

After taking more than a week off to take care of my mom, I'm pleased to say that she is doing well after her surgery (she fell and broke her hip on January 21st) and is beginning her rehabilitation and physical theraphy today! We still have a long road ahead of us to get her back to anywhere near normal, but she's tough and determined, and with lots of prayers and good thoughts, I think she will do just fine!

While Mom was in the hospital, I did get some reading done, but it was hard to concentrate on a book for long.  But now that things have settled down a bit, I'm hopefully back in the saddle again, and ready to read!

One of my favorite meme's is sponsored by my sweet book friend Sheila at Book Journey  It's a weekly gathering to see who's reading what!

Here's what I have lined up for this week ...

What I Am Reading Now:

What I Plan to Read This Week:

Left Neglected by Lisa Genova
The Lake of Dreams by Kim Edwards
Across the Universe by Beth Revis
The Girl in the Green Raincoat by Laura Lippman
Secrets From The Vinyl Cafe by Stuart McLean
Pictures of You by Caroline Leavitt
A Lonely Death by Charles Todd

Just Finished:

When Beauty Tamed The Beast by Eloisa James (review soon!)
Keys To The Castle by Donna Ball (review soon!)

That should keep me busy for a while!

I want to thank all my dear book friends and blog followers for your wonderful wishes and good thoughts while I was gone.  It meant so much knowing that you were thinking of  my family during this time of upheaval and I appreciate it so much!
As always, Happy Reading, Ya'll!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Alexa's First Sock Hop!!

Every year,
the elementry school Alexa attends holds a Sock Hop for the kids and their families.

This weekend was Alexa's first Hop!!

If you remember awhile back, I was looking for poodle skirts. Well, I ended up twisting my Mom's arm into making them for the girls. (I'll admit, I didn't have to twist too hard. She'd do anything for her grandbabies). They turned out so well that she made one for our neighbor girl, Alexa's great friend, Hannah, too.

As you can imagine, Alexa was SO excited. Anything involving dressing up, dancing and music is right up her alley! I think you can all agree that she looks pretty darn cute, or maybe it's just her biased Mama talking ;)
I had the girls pose for a few pictures a few weeks before the sock hop because I knew that they would be too excited the night of, that they wouldn't want to slow down for pictures. I'm glad I did because I was so right.

We got a professional photo taken of the girls at the Sock Hop. Alexa will be getting it at school in a few weeks. I can't wait to see how it turns out. (hint: they were sitting on a motorcycle......cute!!)
We ate pizza at the 'diner' before hitting the dance floor. They had the gym all set up in 50's decor and had a band playing 50's music. It was great and the kids L.O.V.E.D. it.

Lillian is leading the train!

Lillian, Hannah, Alexa, Hannah, Isabella and another friend.

This photo got a bit blurry which I am pretty bummed about, but I wanted to share it anyways.
Alexa with 2 of her Hannah friends. :)

Dancing away at the Sock Hop! The gym was packed!!

Alexa and 2 of her classmates, Olivia and Hannah.

...and my most favorite picture of all...SISTERS!!!!

As you can see, they didn't stand still too long for any really great pictures...but this picture below showcases how much fun they had. Whooo!!

Doin' the TWIST!!!

Hannah and Alexa!

My Mom did a fantastic job on the poodle skirts - THANKS MOM!
We are anxious for many many more Sock Hops to come.

One World, One Heart

I am a mixed media artist from New Orleans. I design for Shabby Cottage Studio. My work is currently on exhibit in various art galleries throughout the country and I am happiest when I am creating.

On February 17th a winner will be chosen at random to win the prize I have made.

I have created a piece called "Butterfly Dreams." It
was made from a matchbox and is adorned with
a vintage butterfly.

When it is opened, there is a design from The Graphics
Fairy as well as a vintage key on a short chain.

I just received this beautiful tag from my dear friend Linda at Random Creativity--thank you so much Linda!!! (This is not part of the giveaway.)



Linking this to: One World One Heart

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Magnolia Down Under Challenge # 81

Good morning Magnolia Fans!

Thank you so much for playing along with our challenge last week. We all had a great time checkout out your entries. Are you ready for another fun challenge? It is time for a technique challenge this week.  This week we are looking for:
  • EMBOSSING - either dry or heat
So lets get the creativity flowing with our amazing DT...

  • You must have at least one Magnolia stamp or Doo Hickey die on your work, it can be a sentiment, background etc does NOT have to be Edwin or Tilda for your card to be entered..
  • You must add your link in Mr.Linky
  • You MUST add a link to your **direct blog post***.... All entries not doing this will be removed.
  • You should have a link back to the challenge blog in your post.
  • Entries close Mid-day Saturday AES time (see the clock on the side bar)
  • DO NOT link your entry to an old card, even a day before will be removed. Making it fair to all the people that have made a card for the challenge...

An Early Valentines Present!

My wonderful friend, Deanna, sent me an early Valentines Day gift this week!

I met Deanna through Twitter, and she is also my long term Scrabble partner! She makes beautiful things by hand. Sewing, Quilting, Embroidery, Painting- She can do it all! She heard about our kitchen being re-done, and of course has seen some pictures of our kittens and combined these two things into a special gift for us!

Hand Embroidered kitchen towels, with kitties on them! They are beyond cute, even the Boyfriend loves them!

She even took the extra time to sew on sweet ribbon trims!

These are totally my new favorite kitchen towels, and as requested, they are going to get used!!
Thank you very much, Deanna! They are sweet, and loved, and go so well with our kitchen.

You can head over to Deanna's Blog to see what she's been working on lately!

Magnolia Down Under Challenge #80 {Reduce, Reuse, Recycle} Winner

OMGOSH is all I can say!! hahahah last week, we had an awesome theme with the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle theme - it was really great seeing Tilda getting a little bit Green! And like I said, OMGOSH we are totally inspired by all our entrants with all the different ideas that you had to use so many different bits and bobs - so very cool, we saw bits of newspaper used as flowers, card board box bits (one of my fav' by the way), feathers, sticks and clothes tags!  And then there was the reduce that scrap pile - with lots of bits of different papers!

Well done everyone!!  But of course there is only one winner and this week, the honour goes to: Drum Roll please......

21. Raffa

If you would like to see more of Raffaela's lush work, then drop on by her blog HERE it's awesome!!

Congratulations Raffaela!!  Can you please email Kylie on: to collect your magnificent Winners Badge to place on your lush blog to make sure all your bloggy friends see just how fantastically clever you are!

Speaking of Fantastically Clever "Green" people here is our Top 5.....

14. Stephanne
27. Manuela
41. Anita
2. An
8. Annette
and well its actually a TOP 6 THIS WEEK WHOOHOOO
33. Sheri

Congratulations Ladies!  Please grab our lush Top 5 Badge from the side bar and we hope you will wear your badge with pride on your blogs!! Besides you do want to show how Brilliant you are don't you!! hahaha.

Anyway a Big thanks to everyone who entered this week, it really was awesome!!  Tomorrow is a brand spankin' new challenge that I know you will love! So please drop on by again tomorrow, to see some totally magnificent Design Team work and also to check out the new challenge so you can play along too!  I look forward to seeing your entries!

Lots of Hugs
Karen & the MDUC Design Team

Friday, January 28, 2011

CSS Alumni Blog Hop

Hi there!  Tonight my fellow friends from the StampTV Center Stage Alumni were challenged to create a card using a sketch created by me!  You can see the sketch below.  Hopefully you have arrived at my blog from my pal Lori McAree's blog.  If not, you can go back to StampTV and start from the beginning.

I created this shaker card for my husbands parents who will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday. I started with a PL White cardstock and created a 5" x 7" card. Afterall, I think 50 years deserves a BIG card, don't you?  I used my Scor-It board to create the diagonal pattern on the card.  I used a Cuttlebug folder for the smaller embossed piece.    I used stamps from the Fanciful Tags and Block Greetings sets from Gina K. Designs.  Everything was stamped in gold pigment ink and embossed with gold embossing powder.  The filling inside the shaker is called Gala Glitz (it is a mix of German glass glitter and tiny micro beads).  The shaker is layered onto a nesties label panel and the card is finished off with a bow and some gold dew drops. 

Make sure to leave a comment as you hop along because on Tuesday morning (February 1st), we will randomly choose one of the comments from all the blogs who will win a Gina K. Designs stamp set of their choice valued up to $24.95! 

I am going to send you on your merry way to my friend Melissa Schultz's blog, I know she has something awesome to share with you.

Happy hopping,

Special Victorian Valentines

Hi Everyone~
Happy Pink Saturday!!! I hope it will be a great
day for you!

I design for Shabby Cottage Studio and made these
tags with images from there...If you'd like to make
some just head over!

I made these little "Heart's Delight" Clothespins
with images from "the cottage" too!

Here's my favorite--I made it for
my daughter.

And, I am playing "Amazed," which was the song that played at my wedding!

I am linking this up to Pink Saturday!