Saturday, January 29, 2011

An Early Valentines Present!

My wonderful friend, Deanna, sent me an early Valentines Day gift this week!

I met Deanna through Twitter, and she is also my long term Scrabble partner! She makes beautiful things by hand. Sewing, Quilting, Embroidery, Painting- She can do it all! She heard about our kitchen being re-done, and of course has seen some pictures of our kittens and combined these two things into a special gift for us!

Hand Embroidered kitchen towels, with kitties on them! They are beyond cute, even the Boyfriend loves them!

She even took the extra time to sew on sweet ribbon trims!

These are totally my new favorite kitchen towels, and as requested, they are going to get used!!
Thank you very much, Deanna! They are sweet, and loved, and go so well with our kitchen.

You can head over to Deanna's Blog to see what she's been working on lately!