Thursday, January 27, 2011

Darling Girls: very mini order

What I love about Darling Girls cosmetics is that lovely feeling you get whenever you receive a package. Susan, the owner, is a genius for creating such a beautiful company that delights the most hidden girly part of any female no matter how un-girly they attempt to be (like myself). That said, perhaps I'm girly than I thought seeing as I'm developing quite the makeup addiction...

I have a dire need for neutral colors and recently I have found myself binging on them! I knew the company to go to was Darling Girls for great daily wear colors and I was not disappointed with my choice!

What I love the most is, I ordered Susan's new $1 Eye Candy offer (which comes wrapped as a sweet! Unwrapping it is the best part!) and she had chosen a neutral shade which completes the rest of my order. I ordered Snuggle and Whisper which ironically go hand-in-hand with their names.

One thing I appreciate about ordering from Darling Girls is the care Susan puts into packaging. I love the clear jars, the sifters - although a lot of people dislike them - are great because they control the amount of product I pick up and the fact that she has seals over the sifters with a tab is the icing on the cake! How many times does one struggle with a seal that you practically need to use a nail file to remove? Not that I care much, it is not exactly a hassle to go the extra mile but I appreciate the convenience of a tab. Especially as I was excited to get into my order!

Excited about the soft focus blush Susan has thrown in! I love the samples I always get, it is almost as though Susan knows just what I need...consequently it makes me want the full-size of them!

Off come the tabs, shake it up a bit and look at those lovely colors!

It is unfortunate the eye candies are colors that are not part of Darling Girls' permanent line as the one Susan has thrown in for me compliments Snuggle and Whisper perfectly! They are my easy trio for when I get stuck on a look for the day.

The eye candy is a little more red than brown though so maybe I will look into getting a brown color to make up the trio instead but until then it goes well enough. However, if you are looking for an amazing brown from Darling Girls then definitely look into getting Tarnished!