Tuesday, January 25, 2011

GoodReads - 30 Books in One Year?

Read 30 Books in one Year! That's the goal I have set up for myself on GoodReads! Goodreads, is a website that helps you track all your books online. It's like a digital bookshelf! Anyone can go, set up an account for free, and set a reading goal for themselves, or just track what books they are reading! Anyone want to join me in a reading challenge? You set your own goals!

I got this idea from the 'Our. City. Lights' Blog! I hadn't heard of this site until Diana blogged about it, with her own book goal! Now I'm excited and motivated to read all the great books I've been meaning to read, and all the new books I got this past Christmas. (Thank You, Diana! :)

A couple that I've started the year off with -

Gunn's Golden Rules, By Tim Gunn (Loved this! He is so darn cute!)
Room, By Emma Donaghue
Pygmy, By Chuck Palahniuk

I'd love to hear some book recommendations from you! What's your favorite book?

If you're on Goodreads too, Give me a shout over there!