Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Call for Help

Dear readers, I am at my wits' end. I am hoping that some of you out there have been in my shoes and can offer some advice.

Caleb, our 3-year-old, refuses to eat fruits and vegetables. In fact, he refuses to eat most foods, but the fruits and vegetables are the biggest problem. Here are the foods Caleb will eat:
  • whole wheat bread
  • crackers--lots of different kinds
  • tortillas
  • Corn Chex
  • Fruity Cheerios
  • pretzels
  • pancakes--I make banana pancakes to get a little fruit in there
  • bacon--we only give him turkey bacon that is nitrite and nitrate-free
  • deli ham--specific brands only, nitrite and nitrate-free
  • deli turkey--specific brands only
  • cubed or sliced cheese--pretty much any hard cheese
  • grilled cheese sandwiches--only homemade
  • bananas--if bribed
  • plain low-fat yogurt
  • raisins--once a month maybe he'll consent to eating one
  • fruit leather--he's eaten this 2 or 3 times, but usually leaves it untouched
  • rice cakes--chocolate
  • Quaker Oatmeal Squares--banana flavor only
  • Chick FilA chicken strips--not nuggets, not any other type of chicken
  • peanut butter crackers--sometimes--and he's had a peanut butter sandwich once
  • Apple juice, very diluted (2 oz juice, 8 oz water)
  • 1% or 2% milk
That's just about it. He'll eat some junk food if we'd let him--chips, fries, cookies, chocolate--but of course we try to keep that stuff away from him. He won't eat pasta, pizza, fish, beef, eggs, or pretty much anything I serve the rest of the family. Isaac, at 1 year, eats a much wider variety of foods than Caleb ever has.

Caleb didn't like fruits, veggies, and meats much even as a baby. He loved pureed sweet potatoes, and he loved yogurt mixed with apple/blueberry baby food. But gradually he stopped eating those things.

I know that part of his problem is my fault. When he started solids, I didn't push the finger foods. Sure, I gave him things like Cheerios and those Gerber puffs, but I didn't give him diced banana, carrot, pear, grapes, avocado, etc. like Isaac gets on a regular basis. I just didn't educate myself enough then.

By the time I had Isaac, I had decided to really change the way we were eating in our house. Now we eat organic foods whenever possible, we eat a lot of fruits, veggies, and nuts, we use flax seed in our meals, etc. Isaac is growing up with these things as the norm. Caleb got set in his bad habits and we let him. NOW what? We've been trying to alter his diet for at least 1.5 years--half of his life--and it hasn't gotten very far.

I know other moms who are able to sneak veggies in their kids' pasta sauces and things like that. But Caleb doesn't really eat "mixed" foods.

The way he eats is so embarrassing to me. I mean, here's a typical diet for me: on Thursday (before I got the flu and stopped eating), I had
  • Raisin Bran with skim milk for breakfast
  • Carrots with hummus and a fruit smoothie (nonfat yogurt, strawberries, blueberries, bananas, flaxseed oil, wheat germ) for lunch
  • Trail mix for a snack (raw almonds, raw cashews, raisins, M&Ms)
  • Baked salmon, peas, and orange-glazed carrots (I know, I was craving the carrots that day!) for dinner
  • Air-popped popcorn for a late night snack while hubby and I watched a movie
If Caleb would eat even some of that, I'd be THRILLED!

I was so excited when I saw the Parenting magazine cover for this month. It says, "Got a Picky Eater? Makeovers that Work." I quickly opened it up and read through the article. Man, was I disappointed. Evidently they went to a preschool and had all the moms write down what their kids eat for a whole week. They took the "pickiest" eater and put her week's menu in the magazine, and they had a nutritionist offer suggestions on how to make the kid eat better.

But guess what this kid eats! Waffles, orange juice, pizza, ravioli, chicken breast, chicken nuggets, rice, rice pudding, cranberry juice, apples, mac and cheese, pears, brisket with gravy, matzo-ball soup, corn....

That's the pickiest kid they could find???? I was so disheartened.

So, dear readers, if any of you have ideas on how to get Caleb to eat better, please share them with me. I would be so thankful. Every meal turns into a battle, and I don't want it that way. Should we see a nutritionist? Have any of you done that?

Cookie Recipe Contest

Over at Mixing Bowl there is this great little contest for original cookie recipes. I have entered my Cranberry & White Chocolate Chippers, so if you like the recipe please click here to vote for them :) Thanks!

Highlights in the Evolution of Toilet System - 2500 BC to 1990 AD

Highlights in the Evolution of Toilet System - 2500 BC to 1990 AD

BC 2500: In Mohenjo - daro, there existed highly developed drainage system where waste water from each house flowed into the main drain.

BC 1000: In the Bahrein Island in the Persian Gulf, flush type toilet was discovered.

AD 69: Vespasianus (Otto Empire) for the first time levied Tax on Toilets.

1214 AD: Construction for the first time of public toilets manned by scavengers in Europe.

1596 AD: JD Harrington invents W.C.

1668 AD: Edict issued by Police Commissioner Paris, construction of Toilets in all houses.

1728 AD: Architect J.F. Brondel argues that attached toilet is ideal.

1739 AD: First separate toilet for men and women appear at a ball in Paris.

1824 AD: First Public Toilet in Paris.

1859 AD: Toilet of Queen Victoria is decorated with gold.

1883 AD: First Ceramic Toilet by Thomas Turiferd for Queen Victoria.

1889 AD: Sewage Treatment for the first time in the world.

1959 AD: All surface Toilets abandoned (Paris).

1970 AD: Sulabh International is established by Bindeshwar Pathak,as a non-profit NGO in Bihar.

1980 AD: Installation of Auto - control Public Toilet.

For more information, please click here.

This weblog is under the advisory of CP-TAG USM (CSR & Philanthropy Transdisciplinary Action Group)
Chairperson: Dr. Reevany Bustami
Wow, I got another 2 awards, from my Blogging buddies.
Shell passed this one back to me thanks Shell, you have got to go and look at Shell's Cards & Things.. her latest card is just beautiful, it's her first attempt at parchment craft, and it looks like she has been doing it for years. I love visiting her blog for both inspiration and to see what else she has been getting up to.
As I've already given this award to my best commenter's, I'll delay passing it on, you never know someone might just get it in the future.

Joanne, has given me this lovely award, thanks for thinking of me Joanne. You really should take a bit of time to go and look at her creations, I never miss checking out Crafting Joanne she always has something new and inspiring to see and her blog certainly makes my heart smile.

Sorry Joanne, you're getting it back.... also I'm giving it to
Shell, Louise Emma & Val as I love everything they do and always have to pop along to see what they have been up to.
Peejay for her beautiful flowers, her cards & her tutorials they are not to be missed.
Joanie not only for her lovely cards, but Joanie also shares some of the beautiful sheets she makes and gives us great PSP tutorials.
Joolse I've only just discovered Joolse blog , if you've got a Robo then you should go check it out, she shares her designs, has great tutorials, and has some super cards
Jak, Karen & Bev.. well what can I say.. except how can they not be in my top 10, if you have never visited their blogs you don't know what your missing, everything they do is just so stunning.
The rules:
1. The winner may put the logo on their blog.
2. Put a link to the person who sent you the award.
3. Nominate 10 blogs.
4. Put links to their blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.
OK I've done 1-4 just off to complete number 5.

Friday, February 27, 2009

To Clarify (and an apology)

To day I offended a good friend. And I owe an apology to her--I won't list her name since she asked that I not list her previous comment and most of our discussion was over email. She's a liberal and you all know how outspoken I am against the liberal agenda. So I wanted to clarify a few things.

First, although I did say to her that I didn't think liberals cared about their kids or anyone elses, I know that isn't true. At the time I wrote it, I was very upset (thank you to the jerks on the women's site I'm a member of!) and it was a stupid comment.

I have friends who are liberals and they're great mothers. I have friends that are gay and liberal and they're great people, although I don't agree with many things they do. I don't "DISLIKE" people or think that they are bad people, because of their liberal political views. I also don't like people based on their conservative views, only. It takes more than that to make a whole person.

Here is what I think makes a liberal a "bad" liberal: Supporting actions that will hurt children (ie the nomination of David Ogden, who has openly opposed measures against child pornography); Supporting actions that take the parent out of the child's life (ie, supporting actions to get birth control and abortions to underage children without parental consent)--God gave us parents for a reason; and third-supporting abortion. Abortion is murder. Plain and simple. A woman has the right to choose to have sex or not. To choose to take a life is NOT her choice.

However, just because you don't support the war, or you voted for Obama or you're for homosexual marriage, I don't think that makes you a horrible person. I just disagree with you.

At any rate, to my friend: I am sorry that I wrote that email. I hope this makes a little more sense.

ETA: Although I have to say (in keeping with my own personal beliefs, as those will not be compromised), that if you don't support the war or did vote for Obama, I might think you're not the most patriotic or savvy American, but I don't think you're a horrible human being! And this is not intended as an insult to my friend, but just restating my own personal beliefs.

My Turn


Well, I guess it was inevitable. I now have the flu.

Caleb caught it last Wednesday, Scott got it Monday night, and last night it was my turn. I felt bad when I went to bed, but I was able to keep it at bay until about 3:30am. I won't go into details, but let's just say I'm definitely not well!

So my wonderful husband has been taking care of me and the kids. He took today off from work and has allowed me to stay in bed all day. He even took the boys to the library this morning. I have to say that I married well!

I've been trying to sleep some (though it's hard), and I'm catching up on shows on our DVR. Right now I'm half-watching the American Idol results show (and getting annoyed at Ryan Seacrest, but at least it's a distraction). I REALLY want to watch the finale of Top Chef, but I don't think I can watch a food show right now!

Here's praying that Isaac doesn't get sick next!

Malaysia wants to flush dirty toilet rep

Malaysia wants to flush dirty toilet rep

May 2, 2006
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia --Malaysia will try to flush its long-held image of having foul-smelling public restrooms with a National Toilet Summit to educate the public about the importance of clean commodes.

Deputy Housing and Local Government Minister Robert Lau -- whose ministry will hold the conference in Kuala Lumpur Aug. 24-25 -- said Tuesday "having clean restrooms in this country is a serious challenge that we have to tackle."

"If a toilet is a person (in Malaysia), he should protest to the Human Rights Commission because he is very unfairly treated," Lau said.

Public toilets in Malaysia have long disgusted residents and tourists with their lack of basic items such as toilet paper, soap and sometimes even toilet seats. Many fall prey to vandals.
Lau said the meeting would bring together local officials and international experts on toilet management, including the founder of the World Toilet Organization, Jack Sim.
Such eyesores scare away tourists, Lau said.

"The vision ... is to establish a clean toilet culture," he said. "The mission is to raise users' etiquette and to motivate the change in the psychological ethics and attitudes of users and owners."

Shopping malls and other commercial establishments that do not have clean toilets may not have their business licenses renewed, he said, adding the government was also considering imposing fines for vendors with dirty washrooms.

Are they success??

Dear Malaysians and to the tourist who came to Malaysia, please judge yourself.

I think there are some changes preparing the basic needs for usage in the toilet.

But, is their mission accomplished?

Well, can their business licensed successfully renewed although the toilets in the shopping mall is dirty?

Has the public change their etiquette on using public toilet??

I wonder but, I think I pointed out some questions for you to justify on it. Did I?

This weblog is under the advisory of CP-TAG USM (CSR & Philanthropy Transdisciplinary Action Group)
Chairperson: Dr. Reevany Bustami

What I used to make Mason into a cartoon

Some of you here and on the forum wanted to know how I made Mason into a cartoon, well I spent ages using my graphics programs and doing tutorials, but didn't get one decent result, then I found BeFunky, an online cartoonizer, made the cartoon in that, then adjusted the result with Ulead PhotoImpact.

Hope you find it useful... go and have some fun...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I dread these emails....

"An offender has moved near you." A chill grips my heart that I'm sure every mother has felt at some point in her life. And did you know that there is a game out (that is apparently VERY popular in other parts of the world) that allows you to simulate a rape???

Where is the morality people? Where's the HOPE for a better future? Certainly not with the current liberal dunces in office.


Here's a new digi LO I made last night with for the DT challenge over at AC Bailey Designs. We were to use 7 pics and emphasize one of the pictures in some way. The pics were supposed to be things that were just part of our daily life. I chose a series from one of our recent trips because traveling is now part of our "new life." I love the focal pic of Tim's hands on the piano. I just think it looks cool.

Journaling: Our "new life" includes lots of travel. A typical travel weekend includes arriving at the church, setting up our table, practicing, playing/singing during the service, preaching, and then when it's all over...relaxing. This weekend was in Frostburg, MD. Feb. 13-15, 2009.

Digi Kit: Evelyn by Laura's Kathi
Masks: Bouille Pack 1

Shout out to SheetLoad

I have discovered a great website that not only gives you a sketch to make a card but gives you the "recipe" and cutting directions for making a whole bunch of them. I loving have the directions for mass producing cards. LOL Makes it so much easier since the card design is the hard part for me. Each month they come out with a different issue, have a different sponsor, and show you great ideas on how to use the sketch. Check out their February edition here. The February sponsor was Unity Stamp Company. Here's a card made from the February edition.

Toilet display....

After so many post of toilet, do you have any idea to keep one toilet bowl with a sitting man on it with you??

I found this in a souvenir shop in Genting Highland… haha…..

Wednesday, February 25, 2009



Let me tell you about my little trip to Kroger this week. First of all, trying to bargain shop with a cranky needs-a-nap toddler is not the best idea in the world! However, Reagan was actually really good..the problem only came when we headed to the checkout.....

So at the checkout, Reagan now likes to help. She wants to put groceries on the conveyor belt. And I let her...I put the heavy stuff up (correction: I usually throw it up there, as I'm trying to hand her stuff too!) and I hand her the lighter items to put the strawberries or cans of tuna. The teenage boy that was ringing us up seemed slightly disgruntled that it was taking longer for us to get the groceries on the belt than if I had been doing it myself. No matter, teaching my daughter and letting her feel useful is more important than his peevish attitude.

However, he REALLY ticked me off when he rang up all my items, gave me the total and then gave me a pissed off half laugh, smirk and a "can you believe this lady" look when I handed him all my coupons. I asked 'is there a problem' and he answered with a sulky, bad attitude 'no'. (Keep in mind, I'm dealing with a pimply faced, permanent 'duh' look on his face, Ambercrombie and Fitch reject).

I swear. When this little twerp grows up and mommy and daddy are no longer buying him everything and he has to foot the bill for his own groceries, water, electricity, car, gas, insurance, etc, etc, for himself and PERHAPS a wife and child (if he can find someone to put up with him!) then he'll understand and realize those crazy coupon ladies knew something after all.

Until then, I just have to restrain the urge to flick him in the ear.

Cartoon Time and a bit of a waffle

Wasn't going to put this on here as the photo's are terrible, then thought what the heck.. Made this for Mason, my great nephew back in January. I'd got the flu and felt awful, got home from work about 4 and had to be at his party by 6. I'd finished the card, only had to print the insert.

1st attempt.... The paper slipped and I had to do it again
2nd attempt... It printed OK, then I realise I'd made it in portrait and it should be landscape.
3rd attempt... Re sized it, moved everything around, re did the border it looked fine...I printed the top half, looked good, folded it the other way printed it, went to stick it in the card then realised that I'd put the fold to the wrong side.... so the top of the insert was upside down.
Now your probably thinking why did she fold the insert in half to print...well I was using an A3 sheet folded in half as I've only got an A4 printer, and why did I do an insert, with so much on it, well....I'd got all these other images that I wanted to brain was just not functioning, I got it right in the end though.

Now for the photo's, It was dark, I was already late for his party...I snapped away, with a light shinning on it, didn't have time to look at them on the PC, so it ended up with me not getting even one that was halfway decent, shadows everywhere or too light. I really shouldn't have got up that day. I'll have to ask if I can have the card back and try and get a better photo. Anyway I've put 2 pics on here one very light and grainy the other full of shadows and grainy, can't make up my mind which is the better of the two, it's a shame I never got a better picture.

Now Mason just loves Tom & Jerry and 101 Dalmatian's, so I thought I make a card with them on it. Found the images on google, decoupaged them, then I searched for a background I could use as I didn't want them to be floating around in the air.
I had a photo of Mason and he was laying in almost the same position as Jerry, so I tried to cartoonize (think that's a word) the photo, decoupaged it and put him next to Jerry on the card.

As it was an A4 card I had a bit of space left so I added a few more decoupage Disney characters. Designed the greeting with design Master and cut them with Robo from sparkly silver paper with a blue miri card mat.

He was well chuffed.. Look Mummy that's me with Tom... he love the inside too, so it was worth all the faffing about, and he's still got it on a shelf in his bedroom.

Here is the original photo of Mason,which I used to make the cartoon image with
I would love you to leave some comments if you have time...

hayo tebak ini syapaaaa?

gila c nicole richie kecilnya jelek amat kya mbak2. hha.

Hollywood's Sexiest Single Men

gw ambil dr nih. buat list lengkap sm fotonya, klik di title ajah.
yg pasti yg ada d peringkat stu adalah.. jreng2.. ROBERT PATTINSON. yes, he's cool as can be. hhe.

Slumdog Millionaire : 8 Oscars!

udah pd ntn slumdog blom? bgus bgt lho.
dy smpet jadi underdog gitu d oscar, lawan benjamin button yg budgetnya 10x lipat (usd 150 jt)
udah gitu kan gx ada pemain terkenal. malah yg jadi latika sama salim kecil itu miskin beneran lho. rumahnya di gubuk2 gitu gx ada air. bandingin ajah sm brad pitt yg main d benjamin button. hhe.

awalnya danny boyle (director) gx bisa release tu film.
gx ada yg mau produserin, kmana2 dicari, smuanya nolak tu film bwt dipasarin. pkirannya gx bakal laku. smp akhirnya warner sm fox patungan,
release ni film. taunya mnank oscar smp 8 dr 10 nominasi.. ckck. hebat bgt.

bgus d, ktanya mereka snenk bgt lho bisa k amrik, jalan2 sminggu di hollywood, trus smpet k disneyland juga. ktemu artis byk bgt lg, malah smpt ngobrol sma brangelina.
y buat anak2 dr pemukiman kumuh itu cuman mimpi x. hhe.
di india ktanya heboh bgt, smp pmnya sgala ke rumah gubuk latika, buat ngerayain. plg2 mereka bakal pesta lagi di inida. bwt yg blom ntn mending ntn d, jng kburu ilfil gr2 yg main org india smua. anaknya lucu2 kok. gw plg suka sm jamal kecil sm yg agak gdean. imut bgt. 
mnurut gw c bgus filmnya. bisa2nya tu anak2 udah susah stenga mampus tpi masih bisa ceria. hhe. great.

interview video with those kids after winning oscars- here.

Zippiddy Doo Daa

I have been practising my Zip's and am now quite confident with the quality.
Sara was such a Diamond, Once again! and sent me some lovely pieces of fabric to Play with.
The kids Quickly Chose what they wanted and put in their orders! (Wish they'd pay up though!)

This is My 5 year olds Purse with a polka linning she chose. :)

I have also been practising Free Machine sewing. I think it is a craft technique that I may have to forget about using! Eldest daughters CD Pouch, an example.

An Update; Scenes

It's been hard to find the time to post lately. Here's what's going down in our world:

Caleb still has the flu. He is acting pretty normal, but he still has some, er, stomach problems. I really thought he'd be able to go back to school yesterday, and I was really looking forward to having some almost-alone time while he was away, but he woke up sick again. (Dear reader, I hope you appreciate these euphemisms! I certainly don't want to gross out those who read this with their morning cup of coffee.)

As of Monday night, Scott seems to have some version of the flu as well. He's been having headaches, feeling achy and nauseous, and has no appetite. He ate 3 crackers yesterday, and that's all he could stomach.

So, today I am very grateful that Isaac and I are relatively well and I am able to take care of the family. We have been through worse.

Isaac is learning new words every week. Here are the words he says well and often:
  • Baba (his name for Caleb)
  • Dada
  • Mama
  • Isaac
  • Bye or Bye-Bye (accompanied by a wave)
  • This
  • Bah (for ball--he calls it out repeatedly while wandering the house in search of balls)
  • Ba (for bath--he says it while walking toward the bath tub)
  • Chee (for cheese--this is a new one--he adores shredded cheese and says this when he wants more)
  • Uh oh
  • Bah-puh (for Boppy, meaning he wants to nurse)
  • Ba-oo (another new one--for balloon)
He used to say "hi," but he rarely says it anymore so I've nixed it from the list. I heard him putting 3 different consonant sounds together yesterday, and he's learned "Juh," "Guh," and "Cuh" sounds. He also says something that sounds like "Thanks."

Caleb was leaving with Scott last week to run an errand, and Isaac and I were standing at the door to the garage waving good-bye. Scott called Caleb over to the driveway and pointed up to the sky. "Look! There are two jets up there!"

Caleb said, "Awww, they best friends! They fly together!"

Then he looked at me and said, "Mommy, they best friends just like we best friends." He ran over and gave me a big hug.

As I was typing this, Isaac found the TV remote on the table. He picked it up, studied it for a few moments, and started pushing buttons. He was standing right in front of the TV when he hit the power button. The TV came to life with a loud noise, and Isaac jumped about 2 feet in the air (not really) and came running to me.

If Isaac finds something he wants me to have, he will grab my hand, open it so that it's palm-up, and place the item in my hand.

If You Think YOUR life is hard, think AGAIN.

mgkn udah tw x yah crita ttg dy? tpi ni kta2nya bgus bgt, jd gw copas ke sini. bwt yg mau tau lbi byk bisa click d title (wikipedia) atw ke websitenya dya di sini.
jng gx bca dun gr2 b. ing, coba dulu. kta2nya gampang kok. hhe. btw ini  email 2 taun lalu. skr umurnya udah 25 tahun. trus dy pernah masuk oprah juga lho. bkin org2 di oprah nangis. hhe.

My name is Nick Vujicic and I was born without limbs and doctors have no medical explanation for this birth 'defect'. As you can imagine, I was faced with many challenges and obstacles. 
Their firstborn son had been born without limbs! There were no warnings or time to prepare themselves for it. The doctors we shocked and had no answers at all. There is still no medical reason why this had happened and Nick now has a Brother and Sister who were born just like any other baby.

I know that there is no such thing as luck, chance or coincidence that these 'bad' things happen in our life. 
I had complete peace knowing that God won't let anything happen to us in our life unless God has a good purpose for it all 
I am now twenty-threeyears old and have completed a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Financial Planning and Accounting. I am also a motivational speaker and love to go out and share my story and testimony wherever opportunities become available. I have developed talks to relate to and encourage students through topics that challenge today's teenagers. I am also a speaker in the corporate sector.

I have a passion for reaching out to youth and keep myself available for whatever God wants me to do, and wherever He leads, I follow
Writing several best-selling books has been one of my dreams and I hope to finish writing my first by the end of the year.

It will be called 'No Arms, No Legs, No Worries!'

I believe that if you have the desire and passion to do something, and if it's God's will, you will achieve it in good time. As humans, we continually put limits on ourselves for no reason at all! What's worse is putting limits on God who can do all things. We put God in a 'box'. The awesome thing about the Power of God, is that if we want to do something for God, instead of focusing o! n our capability, concentrate on our availability for we know that it is God through us and we 
can't do anything without God. Once we make ourselves available for God's work, guess whose capabilities we rely on? God's!


how bout kelly?

lanjut posting ttg dd gw, skr dy masih bolak balik dokter, hari ini rontgen ulang.
udah bbrp bulan gx masuk skul sm skali. tu anak beda bgt s gw, pengennya masuk, justru nyokap gw yg maxa2 biar dy gx masuk. hha.
btw kmrn gw mengobrol dgn c billy, dd gw yg plg kecil. dy nanya2 gitu ttg penyakit c kelly (fyi c billy mank nanya mulu). here it goes:
b : c, penyakit cc kelly gara2 virus yah?
g : bukan bil, bakteri.
b : bakterinya ngpain di badan cc kelli?
g : bakterinya bikin paru2 cc kelly ktutup lendir, jadinya oksigen sdikit yg bisa masuk k darah.
b : brarti cc kelly harus napas byk2 yah c? biar darahnya dapet oksigen smua..
g : iaaa.
b : klo darahnya kurang oksigen bisa pusink yah ce?
g : ha? ia kyanya.
b : knapa?
g : kan otaknya kurang oksigen juga bil.
b: cc kelly dikasih obat buat bunuh bakterinya yah? gmana cara bakterinya bisa bikin lendir ce?
g : ha? ya adalah, kan pertamanya ada debu dulu. bisa ada lendir pertamanya gr2 debu. tau d bakterinya ngapain tu debu.
dst dst.
b : cc mau cc keli smbuh gx?
g : maulah, ksian batuk2 trus. billy?
b : mau. ntar klo aq juga udah sembuh abis terapi alergi, itu coklat di kulkas bagi 2 sm cc kelly yah c.
kasih cc kelly yg banyak, soalnya kan dah lama gx makan yah ce. ccnya gx usah ntar bru bli lagi ajah. hhe.

ntah knapa gw sdikit sdi mendengarnya. hha.

Creating awareness....

The main purpose on this blog is due to the courework for SAU216E (Globalisation, Cyber Culture and Future Studies) as I mentioned earlier.

Dr. Reevany, our lecturer for this course wants us to create the public awareness on the issue that we are bringing up and create an impact to the society.

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is important!!

For that, I had sent out mail to Tourism Penang and Malaysia Airport Holdings Bhd.

However, I do not receive and reply from them.

The mail I sent out was on 16th of February 2009.


Do Bayan Lepas International Airport has it's own official website?

I do like to bring up this issue.

Please link to this...

The particular post is at:

Please try to work on this matter as there's so many tourist coming in and out from Bayan Lepas Airport.....

This weblog is under the advisory of CP-TAG USM (CSR & Philanthropy Transdisciplinary Action Group)
Chairperson: Dr. Reevany Bustami

Wanna to be a volunteer??

Do you feel like doing something to the society to create the public awareness on how they are using the toilet??

Do you have free time and do you really want to do something to contribute back to the society??

Well, if you think that you are not from an organization and cannot really do much on this, no worry…

As an individual, we can also help on this.

I had sent out a mail dated 20th February 2009 to WTO (World Toilet Organisation).

The letter sound this way.


I am Sophia from Universiti Sains Malaysia, a public university located at the north of Malaysia.

I am currently blogging on public toilets in commercial buildings and the blog's url is

The original purpose for me to build up this website is due to my coursework under SAU216/E (Globalisation, Cyber Culture and Future Studies).

Anyways, after working on it for a couple weeks, I found that it's important for us to help to create the public awareness on using public toilets.

I hope my blog can contribute a bit on creating awareness on public when they are using a public toilet.


This weblog is under the advisory of CP-TAG USM (CSR & Philanthropy Transdisciplinary Action Group)
Chairperson: Dr. Reevany Bustami

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Money Saving Mom

For those of you who like to use coupons or who want to get back into it, I have the best blog tip for you: Evidently there are people out there who really make places like CVS and Walgreens work for them and end up getting tons of stuff for free or even MAKING money on deals. I always thought those convenient stores were a great way to waste money, but I guess I was wrong! It's worth checking out.

That site also posts deals for Target, WalMart, and other grocery stores (click on Categories at the top and then you can choose a store or topic).

Deleted photos can come back and haunt you, says Chong

Tuesday February 24, 2009

Deleted photos can come back and haunt you, says Chong

KUALA LUMPUR: Beware! With computer softwares that are able to recover deleted data from handphones and personal computers, pictures or videos that are assumed long gone can still come back to haunt you.

Since 2007, there have been more than 13 cases of women who have had their private pictures publicly flaunted on the Internet or via the Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS).

“Most of these cases involved women whose former partners exposed the private photos out of spite,” said MCA Public Services and Complaints Department Head Datuk Michael Chong at a press conference yesterday.

He added that most people were unaware that simply deleting the photos from handphones were insufficient as there were ways to extract the deleted data.

Selangor and Federal Territory Telecommunication Association acting committee member Ivan Er said free, easy-to-use data restoration programmes were easily available on the Internet.

“With just a mere click of the mouse, all deleted data can be restored,” said Er, adding that users should reformat and demagnitise their storage mediums after data deletion as a precaution.

Er also warned that servers of communication service providers could keep records of video calls as there was no stopping rogue employees.

“The privacy policies of these telco companies disallow it, of course,” he said.
The association aims to educate users on the latest frauds and hazards of the telecommunication in­­dustry.

I came across this article and would like to share it here…

here to read the original text…

Knowing this information can help us to be more aware and if anyone came across to let others’ took their photo when they are urinating or changing their garments in the changing room, do take their devices and clashed it..

Deleting the photo itself is not enough as they can trace back using certain software.

It sounds evil but this is the best way to protect us and avoiding seeing your own nude photo on the net..

I know this is not a good idea…

Do you have any better?? Mind to share with me??? :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Reagan was cracking us up on Sunday!

Oh my gosh! I think I spent most of Sunday laughing my head off! Here are some of the highlights:

Josh and I having a conversation in the hallway. Reagan walks in from the playroom. "Mommy, I want a baby budder. Soon." I was a little taken aback, but admist my laughter I managed to assure her that we were indeed working on it, but unfortunately had no control over when it would happen! Demanding, isn't she?
Reagan and I were playing at Grandma and Granpa's house with her tool 'shed'...she wanted to play peekaboo through the 'window'. We were playing, laughing and having a good time and all the sudden I popped up to 'boo' her and she shouts "STOP LOOKING IN MY WINDOW!" (I guess you have to be a big fan of Pooh Bear movies to know this really is funny...Rabbit says it to Tigger ALL.THE.TIME.)
Reagan and I were playing doctor in the evening and she was checking my nose. I asked if there was anything in it and she said "YES!", stuck her finger up my nose and said "A finger!"....That's not all, she then proceeded to take my blood pressure and when I asked if it was ok she pronounced "you're alive!" (this is what I always say to her when I take hers!). Oh, then she checked my ears and I apparently was growing seeds in them! This kid is a hoot!
Reagan, Daddy and I were taking a drive in the evening. We had to stop back at home and somehow Reagan got on the subject of Daddy's hoo-hoo (no, not a subject we broach often, but she has seen him get out of the shower!!) She started laughing and saying "Daddy's hoo-hoo! Daddy's hoo-hoo! I have a hoo-hoo too! Two hoo-hoos!" OH MY GOSH. HYSTERICAL!!!!

I got an award

My blogging buddy Louise Emma, has given me a Best Blog Comments Award, thanks Lou. I never thought when I started blogging that I would enjoy visiting all the blogs as much as I do. I wasn't sure about leaving comments on peoples blogs, as I didn't know them, now I know better... and I try to find time to leave a comment as often as I can. Now I've got to pass this on to 5 other people, well this is a bit difficult for me as I don't have many who leave me comments regularly,

So I would like to pass it to

Back to Louise

And I don't think Myra x has a blog but I would like to give it to her anyway.

Thank you Ladies for taking the time to comment, they are really appreciated.

not just photographs


I was able to read Joel Lumen’s post on his acceptance of the Honest Scrap Award for his blog, The Daily Grind. Oh, what a humble man!

I have been blogging since April of last year and if I will only look back, I'll find out that I have gone quite far from where I started.

Save for the most basic, I knew nothing about the computer then, especially about the Internet. And, honestly, I didn’t even know what the word “blog” meant.

Social networking has a lot to do with how I was able to get into blogging. For it was a friend in a social networking site who taught me much about it. I learned from the messages we exchanged and the emails containing detailed instructions on the many “how to’s” that he sent me to finish the initial entry of the blog I started.

That guy was Joel Lumen, the author of The Daily Grind, who was instrumental in my entry to the blogging world, and one of those to whom I passed the Honest Scrap Award.

It was so humble of Joel to refer to his blog as “nonsense” and “senseless”. But it was from that same blog's form and substance where my very own blog was patterned, such that if A Friend Named Goddy received an award, should The Daily Grind from where it was patterned not likewise receive its own?

And if a student was honored for a job well done, should his mentor to whom he owes the techniques of doing that job not have a share of that honor as well?

Well, oh yes, Joel, maybe you don’t deserve that award. But only because you deserve an award of far greater value than that.

Congratulations again, dear friend! And thank you, dear mentor!

Quality Restroom Association in Malaysia

There's Quality Restroom Association in Malaysia!!!

Well done Malaysians as there's not many country builing up an association to create awareness on public when they are using a public toilet.

Anyways, are they working out on something???

I really do hope so....

Click here to the page... :)

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Head over to Kashi and register to receive their emails and they'll mail you a coupon for a free frozen food item. Can I just say that they have the absolutely best pizzas ever!!!! Even my junk food loving husband and super picky toddler love them!

Thanks Deal Seeking Mom!!!

#43) Minty Brownie Drops

Since I started this blog I have tried dozens of new recipes.... leaving some old favorites behind. I guess with precious time to spare in the kitchen I find repeating recipes boring.

However, today I had an undeniable craving for my minty brownies, but did not want to spend my baking time with an already-accomplished recipe. So, I took that brownie recipe and tweaked it to come up with a matching cookie recipe.

And the result? Well let's just say I am home alone, and the cookies are almost gone :)


2/3 cup shortening
1 1/3 cups brown sugar (I used dark but light would be fine)
1 tbsp water
1 tsp mint extract
2 eggs
1 1/4 cups flour
1/3 cup cocoa
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 cup chocolate chips (I would have used mint chips if I had had any)


-Preheat oven to 350°F.
-Cream shortening, sugar, water, and extract. Add eggs. Beat well.
-Stir together dry ingredients and add to sugar mixture in three additions. Mix well.
-Stir in chips.
-Drop by tablespoonful onto lined baking sheet (I used a silicone sheet, but parchment paper would do).
-Bake for 10 minutes.
-Let cool on wire rack.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Second Amendment thoughts...

The Second Amendment was ratified in order that the People of the United States would have recourse should the government grow too big.

Interestingly enough, the current US government has grown so large and wants so badly to protect itself that they are finding ways to take the right to bear arms from the American people. At this current time, they are not trying to physically take our guns (although I'm positive that is in the future), but they are trying to render our guns useless through the control of ammunition.

We are on a very fragile rope at this point in time. America is slowly turning in on itself. The American people have every right to ensure that their government does not take away the things we hold dear. The government is to work for us, not against us. But the policy changes that are coming swiftly with this administration are designed to render the American people slaves to the government.

Is revolution in the future?

World Toilet Organisation!!

World Toilet Organisation (WTO)!!

There’s World Toilet Organisation!!!

What is WTO??
WTO is a global non-profit organisation commited to improve toilet and sanitation conditions worldwide.

I do not know that….

Do you know about this??

Please feel free to click on this to link you to the World Toilet Organisation website.

My First Blog Awards!

I received a couple of awards from Liesl quite some time ago, and it the rush of life, forgot to post about it....

This "lemonade award" was for being a refreshing blog...

And this one for being downright fabulous :)

I want to pass these on to some of my favorite blogs:

Joy the Baker
How to Eat a Cupcake
Dine and Dish
the chocolate and peanut butter gallery

Add the awards to your blog.
Link to the person who gave you them.
Nominate other refreshingly fabulous blogs you love (with their links).
Leave a message for your nominees in their blogs, informing them about the award.

Imagine New Possibilities

I missed President's day by a bit but it still a good quote:

"Towering genius disdains a beaten path.
It seeks regions hitherto unexplored."

~Abraham Lincoln

Friday, February 20, 2009

Another craft idea!

No, this wasn't thought up by me! But I did read it somewhere (one of the parenting magazines??). Take a sock and put everyday items in it. Then let your child hold it and feel it through the sock and guess what's inside! Great game and it managed to hold Reagan's attention for about 10 minutes! Woohoo!

Fabulous award...!!!

I got an award......

I do not know that there's such thing among bloggers... :)

I do blog but I am not that active until I built up this blog...

Anyways, thanks to Denani cause she gave this to me and congrats to myself.. lol...

Here are the rules to those who got this:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.

2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which you think are FABULOUS.

3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.

4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

And the blogs I am nominating are : (numbering them randomly)

11. to those who are visiting me and saw this... :)
p/s: I wanted to nominate somemore but I counldnt find your weblog's url.... Sorry... (:


Click di title, lo bkal nyambung k link billboard.
btw ini billboard versi gw sndiri, lagu2 yg lagi gw suka bgt skr2 ini. bwt download, just click on it. bwt lirik, click tanda *** hhe. ni random list, bkn sesuai yg plg gw suka.hhe.
1. Usher-His Mistakes
2. NeYo-Mad (lbi jlek dr his mistakes)
3. Twilight-Almost Lover (see posting be4)
4. Twilight-Iron and Wind-Flightless Bird, American Mouth
(lgu prom) (***)
5. TI ft Justin Timberlake-Dead and Gone
6. Craig David-Insomnia (***)
7. Soulja Boy-Kiss me Thru the phone (reffnya enak)
8. Twilight-still believe in love  (gx dpt liriknya gw. klo ada yg punya kbarin dun. hhe)
gw males ni nyari linknya lagi. hha. tar d, lanjut lagi kpan2.
btw link yg gw ksi nuntut sign up, ikutin ajah, simple bgt soalnya, n worthed kok. hhe.
di site itu mank byk bgt lgunya, lgan cuman skali ini. lumayan.
yg punya limewire, dijamin ada smua ni lagu, soalnya gw download dr situ. hho.

Almost Lover

Gw dpt lgu ni d cd soundtrack twilight. gila. bgus bgt liriknya. sdiiii bgt. pd blg mestinya mah bwt new moon ajah, kan sdi2 gitu. jng di twilight.
tpi mank bgus bgt c. itu di widgets gw yg gbr hati ada lyricnya. susa x yah bacanya? tar gw pste lagi d. hhe. bwt yg mau download, click di sini
bwt yg mau tw liriknya, click ajah di judul, tar nyambung ke link. hhe. gw suka bgt ni lgunya. 
kyanya yg nyanyi dpt bgt d feelnya. hho.

Bookatrix Fairy

My niece asked me to make a card for her friends little girl, as I hadn't made a bookatrix card for a while I thought I'd do one for Leila and it gave me the opportunity to use this lovely fairy, been dying to use the image but never had the right person to send it to.

This is the first time that I've used my nesties, I've had them for ages but never got round to using them, now I think I've figured out what sandwich to use in my big kick I think I'll use them more.

I can't wait to get my new camera then maybe my colours will come out right, it really was a pretty pink...I know.. a bad workman always blames his tools...
& I just can't decide what camera to get.

Hope you like it,
Your comments are always appreciated,

OKU's toilet in Penang International Airport - Part 3 (Last Post)

This is the OKU’s toilet that I found in the airport….

It’s after the immigration part, in the departing hall….

The toilet is clean and I can give it a rate of 3.5/5 star…

Why only 3.5/5 star??
- Light is tooo dim..
- Can the OKUs see themselves in the mirror??
- Can the OKUs use the hand dryer??
- Can the OKUs on the switch???
- The aluminium bar to help the OKU is not enough…
- Can the OKUs manage to turn their back over to get the toilet papers??

See this sign and you will find the toilet...

It's at the center of the male and female's toilet...

One aluminium bar only....

The basin is good..

Can they managed to dry their hand with this????

Switches are tooo high....
This is the last post on Penang International Airport....
Judge yourself on Penang International Airport's toilet and do leave down valuable comments to share with us..... (:

Thursday, February 19, 2009


After a really rough night, Caleb mostly lounged around all day. I made him a little "bed" in the living room, and he camped out in front of the TV. I kept trying to get him to eat something (hence the piece of bread in front of him), but he wouldn't touch food.

He ended up falling asleep on the floor there and stayed asleep for over two hours. He sure needed the rest.

He finally ate 1 Ritz cracker and 2 Wheat Thins for dinner. Just enough food for us to be able to give him his first dose of antibiotic. The doctor also called in a prescription for an anti-nausea medicine, and we gave that to him before bed. I'm hoping that will help him sleep through the night.

Sick Boy; Hypocrite

Well, the pedi said that Caleb has an ear infection (right ear again). No surprise there. But she did hear some wheezing while listening to his lungs, which was a surprise. She told us to give HIM a breathing treatment each day, too--but his should just be 3 ml of saline. So it's more like a humidifier than medicine.

Caleb was really acting a lot better by the time we went to the doctor yesterday. He was playful and picking on his brother again, which was a really good sign. :) He took a good nap when we got home. I usually take him to church with me on Wednesday nights, but I left him home with Scott so he could get to bed early.

Poor Scott. During the 2.5 hours I was gone, he had to deal with a very sick boy. Caleb started throwing up shortly after I left, and he ended up getting sick just about every hour after that until 12:30. After that, he just couldn't sleep. He kept wanting to drink, but I knew from experience if he drank too much, he'd just lose it. So I gave him sips of Gatorade throughout the night, one tablespoon at a time.

Needless to say, we didn't get much sleep last night.

It's amazing how quickly I become a hypocrite when my kids get sick. Case in point:

Normally I try hard to steer away from artificial flavors and chemicals in food. But when filling Caleb's antibiotic, I'm quick to ask, "Can you add bubblegum flavoring to that?"

Normally I don't like Caleb to watch much TV. We make it through about 3 days a week with no TV at all, and on the days he does watch it, it is usually while I am getting a shower in the morning or when I'm fixing dinner at night. We've really worked hard to cut down on the TV time. But when he's sick, he is plopped in front of the TV almost all day. It keeps him distracted from how bad he feels.

Normally I don't allow Caleb to have sugary drinks. He gets one cup of juice every day, which is actually about 2 ounces of juice mixed with 8 ounces of water and a dropper full of liquid vitamins with iron. But when he's sick, he gets to drink sugary Gatorade (Pedialyte is my first choice for him, but sometimes he can't stomach it).

I guess when our kids get sick, we go into survival mode.

OKU's toilet in Penang International Airport - Part 2

This is the second OKUs’ toilet I found in the airport….

As mentioned in the previous post, you need to reach to the end (the other side) of the airport to look for this toilet…

I wonder why the toilet is not clean as I do not see many OKUs around the airport….

Maybe I didn’t notice much of my surroundings or the non-OKUs are using it???

Please bear in mind that the OKUs’ toilet is mainly for the OKUs and if you think you are not OKU, please space them up…..!!

You can hardly notice this if you are in the hurry....
It's not situated along the normal toilet as it is near the 'main entrance' of the toilet...
Please refer this...
(You have to find it before you walk into the corridor)
The interior of the toilet...
Why is the hand dryer there??
Aluminium bar = 1 only????
The basin is mainly for this kind of toilet....
But, the mirror is not that good.... Can they see their face with it??? Judge yourself...

Footprints are everywhere... Why is it so??
Can the OKUs bend to throw rubbish into the bin??

Air ventilation.... lol...

You expect the one who is seating on the wheelchair to stand up and hang their things???

Why not provide a space for toilet rolls??