Monday, February 9, 2009

"Cheap" or erm, "Inexpensive" Valentine's Day Ideas!

My husband and I normally cheese it up on Valentine's..or at least I try to! One year I bought him several of those $1 boxes of chocolates from Walmart that said "You Rev Me Up!" and had pictures of of cartoon cars on it. Another year, I draped our entire bedroom in leftover white tulle! (*It slightly killed the romantic moment getting caught up in it!*) Another year I did TRY to be romantic and sent him on a treasure hunt around town. I think I had as much fun planning it as he did picking up the clues and presents at various locations.

This year, we *are* planning a date, but not really because of Valentine's..mostly because we haven't had a date in, oh, I guess 8-9 months or so?? We'll probably go to a coffee shop, enjoy some coffee and just spend time talking to each other..maybe a leisurely dinner, nothing too expensive...hopefully Chinese if I can talk him into it!

However, I read a post, check it out here, and it gave me some great ideas I hadn't thought of before. I hope you'll get a chance to check it out! In the meantime, here is what I'm planning for Valentine's!

*A special Valentine's post for Josh and Reagan
*A cookie bouquet! (Read about it on that link above!)
*Special Valentine's cards for the grandparents (IF they arrive in far they haven't..argh!)
*Valentine goody bags for the playgroup: heart shaped plastic slinkies, stickers that Reagan picked out, cookies or heart-shaped pretzels with cinnamon-sugar icing (we also plan on making this for our treat to bring to Reagan's Valentine's party on Tuesday!)
*I may even make the heart shaped tea bags for the moms in the playgroup! Read about those on the link as well!
*Have a "red" day with Reagan where we eat red food and wear red clothes and make a red collage!
*Have a "heart" day with Reagan where we play fun games and make lots of heart shaped things!

Hope you get some great ideas for your Valentine's Day!