Saturday, February 28, 2009

Wow, I got another 2 awards, from my Blogging buddies.
Shell passed this one back to me thanks Shell, you have got to go and look at Shell's Cards & Things.. her latest card is just beautiful, it's her first attempt at parchment craft, and it looks like she has been doing it for years. I love visiting her blog for both inspiration and to see what else she has been getting up to.
As I've already given this award to my best commenter's, I'll delay passing it on, you never know someone might just get it in the future.

Joanne, has given me this lovely award, thanks for thinking of me Joanne. You really should take a bit of time to go and look at her creations, I never miss checking out Crafting Joanne she always has something new and inspiring to see and her blog certainly makes my heart smile.

Sorry Joanne, you're getting it back.... also I'm giving it to
Shell, Louise Emma & Val as I love everything they do and always have to pop along to see what they have been up to.
Peejay for her beautiful flowers, her cards & her tutorials they are not to be missed.
Joanie not only for her lovely cards, but Joanie also shares some of the beautiful sheets she makes and gives us great PSP tutorials.
Joolse I've only just discovered Joolse blog , if you've got a Robo then you should go check it out, she shares her designs, has great tutorials, and has some super cards
Jak, Karen & Bev.. well what can I say.. except how can they not be in my top 10, if you have never visited their blogs you don't know what your missing, everything they do is just so stunning.
The rules:
1. The winner may put the logo on their blog.
2. Put a link to the person who sent you the award.
3. Nominate 10 blogs.
4. Put links to their blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.
OK I've done 1-4 just off to complete number 5.