Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fun Hats

I have been asked a lot recently about Alexa and Lillian's hats.
They have been getting compliment after compliment and everyone wants to know where we got them. So, let me remind everyone!
Lillian's monkey hat came from Hat Heads by Hollund.
The talented Kim created these lovely little hats and has a huge variety to choose from on her Facebook site.

Alexa's adorable little pink hat with lime green flower came from Cozy Cap Creations.
Kristin is the incredible creator and each and every one of her cozy caps is made with lots and lots of love. Visit her on Facebook, too.
There is plenty of chilly months left and need for a hat.
Hat Heads by Hollund and Cozy Cap Creations are such sweet shops that you will for sure find something that would fit with your little guy or girls - or even yourself! :)