Thursday, April 21, 2011

What's up...

Even though the weather has been less than desirable with the cold and rain, I am enjoying my week off!  I have been trying to soak up every ounce of my princess as possible!!
Because we have been stuck inside more than I would like, we have had the opportunity to do some crafts in preparation of Easter.
These crafts are from some of my favoirte blogs that you should check out if you haven't already.  You can find the links here:
She has also been practicing identifying her lower case letters in different ways, including the Barrel of Monkeys activity I posted about here.

Although I am trying to not think about school, it is pretty much impossible!  I have found some great activities on your blogs that I have printed and cannot wait to put to use.  I have also been busy creating a game to play with my 3rd graders to help prepare them for certain areas of the NYS ELA Assessment, which they will be taking one week after we return from break.
Off to go color some eggs!!
~ Mrs. Mc