Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hoppy Easter Everyone!

Did everyone have a good Easter?  We had lots of fun here in our household.  Last night we planted our magical jellybean and left carrots for the Easter Bunny.

Overnight the magical jellybean grew into a pinwheel and the Easter Bunny ate his carrots and left some goodies.  My daughter was was amazed that a pinwheel grew from the jellybean she planted!

It was beautiful and warm outside, so after breakfast we hunted for eggs.

P had a hard time opening her eggs with her hands, so she improvised by sitting on them to crack them open.  It was hysterical!  Here is what she found inside her eggs.  Of course we took some time to practice naming her letters and producing their corresponding sounds!

Well that was only part of our morning.  I could go on and on, but I don't want to bore you any further  I just wanted to wish you all a Hippity Hoppity Easter!!  It was a wonderful day to sum up my break!
Also, I found the magical jellybean idea on a fabulous blog that you can find here.  This will definitely become Easter tradition in our household!  Do you have a fun Easter tradition that you do with your family?
~ Mrs. Mc