Tuesday, April 19, 2011

HP & Intel Front Row Blogger Competition

Oh my goodness! Somehow I made it into the voting round of HP & Intel's Front Row Blogger competition!!! This is so exciting to just even get this far!

This is where you could possibly get me through to the next round dear readers! Depending on votes, I could possibly make it through to the second round where five finalists will be chosen to proceed to the third round where a final decision will be made.

For me, this opportunity would be amazing because it is something I have always wanted to do! I will never make it onto an actual runway (no, it's not pessimism but more like a lack of height!) so the next best place? In the front row chattering away about what is on the runway!

If you would like to vote for me - pretty pretty please! - then please go below! Thank you!

P.S. Here is my belated reaction!