Saturday, April 16, 2011

follow the Truth into the Eternal Light of God...

I wrote this for a family that is loosing the battle with childhood cancer. They are preparing for yet another journey of life. One that we must all walk some day... but never alone.... Angels are there guiding the last earthly breath and encouraging the very next breath of Eternal Light, Love and Life ..... We are all Gods Children... Sons and daughters of the Light... each with our cross to carry through our journey.... the one  Hope that Lives in each soul.... shall follow the Truth into the Eternal Light of God...

It is hard though the tears of pain and loss to see the joys of New Beginnings, New Hope, New Life...A transition, if you will, from a human body with a Spirit guided Soul, to a Heavenly Spirit guided Soul.... returning home to a Heavenly Family that Loves  and has missed him while he's been Blessings those here on earth.

God calls all children home back to our Eternal Home. Our hearts ache as human hearts do as grieve we must. But when the breath comes, and air breezes through.... we feel, we know, that our loved one is there... perfect in every way.... We find comfort in the sweet scent we detect, the brush of an unseen touch, the kiss of a breeze across your cheek.... You know your loved one is there.... being held in the softest hand, protected by the Love of the Eternal God....

This is what I wrote for Jack and his family:
This is a time of year we remember God's  human journey of trials, pain and Truth.... He walked through life knowing what would happen, yet he shared His Light with all. He traveled His journey on earth for a short time, and rejoined with His heavenly Family.

We are all children of God Created in His image. And Jack is walking his own human journey.... as your son, and as a cherished child of God. We all can only hope to live our lives as full and joyful as Jack and everyone at Camp Jack. You shine Light even in the darkness... and have shared that Light with all.... What a great lesson you are teaching each and every one of us. I thank you for that as it is though you we glimpse God.

You are  Angels here on earth. I look into Jack's eyes (OK, only though photo's but...) and though them, I see his heritage come though... I see the eyes of God looking In, With and Through him. There is depth of knowledge of the ages in his eyes... a pool of infinatant souls joining in his Light.... His eye's shine the Wisdom and Grace of God...

Stay strong as you follow in the footsteps of those that have gone before. You are a child of God and, as with us all, in God's time... we are all called home. May your journey continue as you follow Gods Light to so many adventures you have yet to behold....
May God grant you His Healing power and Grace, may He comfort you in times of darkness and may His Glory Shine upon you and all at camp Jack and grant you His Peace and Understanding.

May the Blessings and the Promise of Easter Be with you always.

Look into the eyes of a child
and see the Light of God.

Love and Light,
Nina P