Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!

Hi Everyone~

Happy Easter! Wishing you a wonderful holiday! I would like to announce the winners of my giveaway...This took a very long time, but people were chosen at random for each item. Thank you to everyone who played along!

As you can see, I have worked all week to add as many prizes as possible. There are 24 in all!

Here are the list of winners of tags pictured above:

Monday--Tiff/ The Cranky Queen
Tuesday--Kathy/Creative Home Expressions
Wednesday--Victoria/Things I Learned from Bear
Thursday--Daniella/Daniella Hayes
Friday--Liz/Lululiz in Lalaland

Saturday--Regina/DieKreative Ecke

"Alice's Tea Pot" Note Holders

I made three sets. They were won by:
Roselle/Seaside Rose Creations
Donna/My Shabby Chateau
Sonya/Counting My Blessings

It also comes in blue--not pictured.
Diane/Lavender Dreamer won the blue set of note holders.

Musical Teapot Tag

La/A Musing Potpourri

Pink Rose Teapot Matchbox

I made 3. They were won by:
Theresa/Faerie Moon Creations
Linda/A Random Creativity
Teresa/A Magical Whimsy

Here is a view inside with spanglies.

"It's All About the Dress" Matchbox

Holly/ 2911 Jeremiah Avenue

Here is another view of it.

Garden Party Spool--

Trish/Glass Slippers

Alice's Tea Party Matchbox

Kim/Gypsy Angel

Now, this tag called "Dancing Teapots" was made especially for Sherry of Country Wings in Phoenix for all the promotional work she did for this giveaway.

This "Dancing Teapots" tag was made for Marydon of Blushing Rose as a thank you for all her promotional work for this giveaway.

There are 4 more gifts that I did not have time to get pictures of and the winners were chosen randomly. They are as follows:

"Alice Journal": Sarah/Hope in Every Season
"White Rabbit" Tag: Barbara/Moore Whimsies
"Smiling Alice" Tag: Nancy/Trinket Collector
"Tea Time" Tag: Wendy/Wendy in Wonderland

The winner of the grand prize pocket watch mixed media piece and tag is Julie of Jul's Art Niche.

Congratulations to the winners and thank you EVERYONE for playing along!!!

If you won, please email me your address...And one more thing, I must apologize but there won't be any note inside the envelopes because it's going to take a really long time to package this all up, so just know I send best wishes!

Please join me on Monday for the start of Mothering Instincts Week. There will be lots of interaction and reflections about our moms.

