Friday, December 24, 2010

A Redbird Christmas by Fannie Flagg and the conclusion of the 30 Days of Holiday Reading!

There is just something magical about Christmas in the South. Oh yes, you folks up North have your snow and all that jazz, but the holidays seems a little gentler, a little slower, a little more full of warmth south of the Mason-Dixon line.

One of my all-time favorite authors, the wonderful Fannie Flagg, has written one of the sweetest Christmas stories I've had the pleasure of reading - "A Redbird Christmas." Although it came out several years ago, I had the great luck of winning this book from my dear friend Sheila at Book Journey not long ago, and I had selfishly held on to it for my last book in this month-long holiday reading extravaganza, and oh my, am I glad I did!

Deep in the southernmost part of Alabama, along the banks of a lazy winding river, lies the sleepy little community known as Lost River, a place that time itself seems to have forgotten. A place where all the neighbors know each other (and each other's business!)

After a startling diagnosis from his doctor, Oswald T. Campbell leaves behind the cold and damp of the oncoming Chicago winter to spend what he believes will be his last Christmas in the warm and welcoming town of Lost River.

There he meets the postman who delivers mail by boat, the store owner who nurses a broken heart, the ladies of the Mystic Order of the Royal Polka Dots Secret Society, who do clandestine good works,and a beautiful but broken little girl who desperately needs a friend.

And he meets a little redbird named Jack, who is at the center of this tale of a magical Christmas when something so amazing happened that those who witnessed it have never forgotten it.

"A Redbird Christmas" will have you howling with laughter one minute, and sobbing the next, but I guarantee that by the end of this story you will have the biggest smile on your face and the warmest feeling of Christmas joy in your heart!

With this book, this concludes the 30 days of Holiday Reading I had planned.  I managed to get 32 Christmas-themed books read over the past month, and I hope that you enjoyed the ones I have reviewed for you!

Happy Holidays everyone, and as always, Happy Reading, Ya'll!