Friday, December 10, 2010

Blog Hop and a Special Holiday Giveaway for New Followers!

It's blog-hopping time!  Jennifer at sponsors this fun weekend event!  Check out all the different blogs and see what other book bloggers are reading!

This week's question for bloggers is:

"What is the thing you like most about reading book blogs?  Is it the reviews, author guest posts, articles, giveaways, or something else entirely?"

I like checking out the different ways people set their pages up, how they rate books, what they are reading!  I'm fascinated with how popular book blogs have become!


It's beginning to feel more like Christmas every day, and to celebrate the season, I've got a special Holiday Giveaway for NEW followers of my blog!

To enter, you must be a NEW Google Friends Connect follower! Just leave me a comment with your email address, and that you are new to my blog!   Easy Peasy!

The Giveaway Prize will be:
A Christmas stocking full of Three Charming Christmas Romances (plus some other goodies!) -

His Christmas Pleasure by Cathy Maxwell

Christmas With The Duchess by Tamara LeJeune

A Christmas Waltz by Jane Goodger

And for my 400th Follower, I have a special prize package that includes the delightful book, "The Heroine's Bookshelf" plus a few more goodies!

I will draw for the Holiday Giveaway Winner on Wednesday, December 15th!

(Current followers, never fear!  I'll have a great giveaway coming up on December 21st just for you!)
Have a great weekend everyone, and as always . . . HAPPY READING, YA'LL!