Friday, December 17, 2010

Is it bad that I haven't started my Christmas shopping yet?

Ok, so I'm not going to lie...I have a 'few' things..and a few meaning 2. This year I told myself that I was going to do all my shopping online, well..I think it's a little too late for that considering it's going to take longer than a week to ship everything here. Grr...Procrastination!!
The hubs and I have tomorrow set aside to do our shopping and get it ALL done. I'm excited about it in the sense that I get to spend a good part of the day hanging out with my man without the kids but, the shopping part has me a little edgy. I am upset with myself that I didn't stick to doing all my shopping online. I wanted to find cool unique gifts this year (mainly on Etsy) rather than the typical things you can buy at Target. So, I told the hubs that we're NOT stopping at Walmart, Target, Kohl's..ect..he needs to take me to all the cool boutiques around Minneapolis. Haha...we'll see how it goes.

I do want to make one pit stop at Toys R Us, tho. Alexa has been begging for an American Girl doll for months. I am convinced that she doesn't really know the difference between an American Girl doll..and a similar look-a-like. So, rather than spending a fortune on an American Girl doll, I was hoping to snatch a Hearts for Hearts doll instead.

I'm hoping to get this one. Consuelo from Mexico. Doesn't she even look like Alexa?
Click HERE to read more about Hearts for Hearts dolls.

Some other things Alexa is asking for this year is a pillow pet, squinkies, a color crayon machine (it takes your broken crayons and makes new ones?) and headbands.

Lillian would be happy with a single Barbie doll, that's it...that's all she wants. :)

What are your kids asking for this year...and have you started your Christmas shopping yet? Or am I the only one who hasn't?

8 more days til Christmas!!