Monday, December 20, 2010

Busy...Busy...Busy...the Holidays are here!

As I'm typing this, it's snowing.....AGAIN. As you've seen in my previous posts, we've already gotten quite a bit of snow, but apparently not enough. Another 6-8 inches is expected for today and then another 6 inches coming on Thursday. WHY???? Ugh!

We had another great weekend. Busy, as always, but so much fun!! Friday night we took the girls up to Minneapolis to the Southwest High School to watch the Southwest vs. Washburn basketball game. A lot of the kids that play on both teams are kids that Adam works with, so it was fun to go there and support them. Alexa and Lillian had a blast making the bleachers into a jungle gym. With as much climbing and running that they did, I'm surprised neither one of them got hurt. When it was all over, Lillian said to me, "I like that basketball game, Mommy". She didn't watch a single second of the game, but just being there was enough for her.
Saturday Adam and I went shopping. The girls stayed home with Grandma Linda and made the most delicious Christmas cookies. Adam and I had a really nice day and got lots of shopping done. I was a little disappointed because we went to Toys R Us to get that Hearts for Hearts doll for Alexa.. the website lied, because they don't carry them IN STORE!! I was mad for a little while, like really mad. To the point of just wanting to go home and be done with Christmas. But, then I got over it and we picked out a cute "Our Generation" doll for her at Target. It's no American Girl doll, but it will have to do, for now.
After that we hit up the fun shops in Edina and even stopped at Anthropologie. I was in heaven and so was Adam until he started looking at all the price tags, then he wanted to get me out of there..and fast. haha
Here are some reindeer pulling some shoppers in a sleigh.

We met up with Adam's brother Benny and his fiancé Amanda at Fat Lorenzo's for dinner. Grandma Linda brought the girls all dressed up in their Christmas clothes and Amanda's Mom and Dad, sister, brother and wife and kids all came, too. Fat Lorenzo's is the tiniest restaurant ever, so we were all super scrunched and my claustrophobia set in. Alexa started staring at the couple behind us, that were literally 6" away and I spilled my water trying to get her to turn around. Despite all that, it was a fun time getting together with everyone..and Fat Lorenzo's has the BEST food. Adam and I shared a Fat Salad and some plain alfredo noodles. The girls ordered cheese pizza, but ended up eating most of our pasta and the cheese bread.

We invited our friends over Saturday night. Dave helped Adam install our new dishwasher or was it more like Adam helped Dave install the new, I think it was more like Dave installed the new dishwasher and Adam held the tools and flashlight pretending that his job was very important. Jamie and I sat and laughed....and took pictures.

Dave installing the dishwasher...and Adam..helping?
The kids played Kinect. We ate food and laughed. It was the best.

Alexa and Maddie playing Kinect

We had to finish up some shopping on Sunday, stuff for the teachers and some wrapping paper and whatnot. The house needed some major cleaning, too. Alexa played outside in the snow with the neighbor kids and had a ton of fun. It was funny to see them walk through the back yard. The snow went up to their waists.

Alexa is the STAR STUDENT of the week, so we worked on getting her poster made to hang in her classroom. We got her very first report card on Friday and I am so proud of her. For being the first report card of the year, I'm VERY impressed. Lots of 4's, which means exceeding state expectations. YAY ALEXA!! I'll admit (because I'm super sentimental) that I was a little emotional over her VERY FIRST report card. Yeah, I'm a sap like that.

I got a phone call late yesterday afternoon from my Aunt Kathy asking if I'd like to go with her to A Country Christmas Concert. It's pretty huge here in the cities. If you've ever driven down 35W by Lakeville, you've surely seen the billboards advertising it. Considering I hadn't even showered yet and the laundry piles were turning into mountains in my living room, I wasn't sure I had enough time to get ready and make it there in time. But, I was excited to go and spend the evening with Kathy and get myself into the Christmas spirit. The concert was a blast. The whole show I was wishing Alexa and Lillian were there. They would have loved the music, the dancing, the lights and all the pretty dresses and costumes. So, perhaps next year I'll have to take them. :)

The whole cast

This week I'll be dodging the snow, wrapping presents and packing for the weekend in Elbow Lake with my family.

Alexa woke up this morning feeling super hot and thirsty. I took her temp, which was normal and then she fell asleep again and slept until nearly 11am. The extra sleep sure seemed to help. She is up and feeling good now, eating and ready to go to school.