Saturday, November 27, 2010

Suki Challenge: Cerberus vs. Kitten In Heels & Dark Knight

I like it rough

After the failure of mixing Cerberus with a lighter version of itself, I thought why not mix it up with a brighter version instead? And perhaps the mix of a damsel in distress and hero would defeat this puppy once and for all...or maybe I just got carried away with pretending my eye shadows actually live up to their names while I'm asleep. Like Toy Story.'d be...Make up Story...

Don't mind me...

Anyway, here we have Cerberus, Fyrinnae's Kitten in Heels, a fantastic pop of pink and for a liner, Darling Girl's Dark Knight, a brilliant blue.

My verdict? Kitten in Heels struggles to pop through and instead inevitably gets washed away without a trace, unfortunately too weak to stand the ferocity of Cerberus. However, interestingly enough is Dark Knight proves to be fighting hard to maintain its own against Cerberus. Could this make for a possible combination? We'll see in the next challenge perhaps...

Cerberus 2       Opponent 0