Tuesday, November 30, 2010

In Between: Pebbles, Books, Life and Giveaway

Just a little filler, just whiling away my days

Today I took a break with the makeup since Mummy woke me up saying we needed to take our 14-year old cat, Pebbles, to the vet. Pebbles hasn't been eating lately nor has she been drinking water so we're naturally worried as she has been really weak. We went to the vet yesterday and Pebbles got a booster that was meant to stimulate her appetite but it did little to motivate her to eat and this morning Mummy was worried as it seemed as though Pebbles was wobbly and unable to move much without collapsing in exhaustion.

So we took her to the vet and she got a saline and then a glucose drip. It was good to see her eyes become less glazed and to see her looking more lively after a while. There were some dogs at the vets and I had to endure a poor puppy howling in pain behind me while he got stitched up ): Apparently his owners had unknowingly overdosed him on antibiotics after a pharmacist had instructed them to give three tablets when it should have only been two. The poor thing had fits and has some brain damage! It was lucky the owners got him to the vet in time.

We have to take Pebbles to the vet tomorrow and probably the day after as well for more saline and glucose. Hopefully it'll give her a little more time. We know that she's rather old and it's rare for cats to make it so long but we're hoping we get a little bit more time with her. She's such a tough old thing, I'm glad I'm home now and get some time with her; I don't know when I'll be home next.

Anyway, I'm exited because later today after an appointment at the dentist (yay for not having to take my wisdom teeth out until later!) we went to a bookstore to find the sequel to Lauren Kate's book Falling, Torment only to find two L.J. Smith books that I never thought I'd get to read in this lifetime! I'll probably finish them both in the next few days so I'll do a review then!

Life otherwise?
Tiring. My birthday is in two days (on the 3rd) and I'm really starting to feel my age (which I won't discuss: it's unladylike to talk numbers!). My whole body is sore and aching and I'm starting to worry now, I think I'm going to do more exercise like Pilates and just general cardio. I really don't want health complications...

That's all for now dear Readers, thank you to my 10 followers! I was thinking the other day that if I reached 10 followers I'd do a giveaway and I honestly thought that it would only be when the moon turns to cheese that I'd get a 10th follower (Thank you!) sooo...watch this space? It'll only happen when I return to Adelaide so that'll be in January 2011 but still, it'll happen! (: