Sunday, November 28, 2010

My First Yoga Review & Giveaway

Yoga is a unique type of excersise that helps prepare our minds and bodies for many of the activities that we do each day.

Recently, I received a copy of My First Yoga from the author, Abbie Davies for review.

My First Yoga offers an engaging, exciting and innovative approach to youth's yoga education. A series of yoga poses stretch both mind and body, providing young children with the mental and physical tools neccessary to lead healthy, balanced lives.

I have always been fascinated with the art of yoga, the balance, the stretching and the calmness of it all. When I learned that children experience many of the same benefits from yoga, it intrigued me even more. It's yet another way to teach my children, at their young age, another form of excersise that they will hopefully carry with them throughout their lives.

My First Yoga was such an incredible way to introduce yoga to Alexa and Lillian.
The book is filled with simple child friendly illustrations and poses that they can easily relate to.

Each pose features and mimics an animal, beginning with the monkey. On the left page there is a picture of a monkey, with the word 'monkey' below it. I love this feature as it encourages my kindergartener to associate the word with the animal. On the opposing page, the illustration shows a character doing the yoga monkey pose with a description below explaining that this pose enhances concentration, as well as explaining how to sit on your bottom, legs criss cross with your shoulders straight and tall. Bring one hand in front of your belly and then breathe in stretching one arm up to the sky with a quick , powerful breath bringing your hand back down, while switching hand positions. The book continues through with poses such as the giraffe, turtle, lion and butterfly. It ends with "Namaste", which strengthens connections (self/family/friends). You sit down with your legs criss-cross and bring your hands together as you say the word 'Namaste', which means, "I am nice to you, and you are nice to me".
It also ends with a page that includes all the animal poses featured in the book.
I usually let both of my girls choose their favorite pose and we do that one again at the end. They have to tell me what pose it is and what it's purpose is, whether it be stregthening their spine (snake pose), stretching their upper body (cat pose), or improving their blanance (flamingo pose.)

I love the fact that yoga not only helps in their flexibility and coordination, but it also improves their self awareness. They are so in tune with their bodies and it boosts their self esteem and confidence when they can hold a pose a little longer, feel the stretches and maintain balance.
With the fun animal poses it gives them another outlet to express their creativity and imagination. My girls literally become lions during the lion pose.
Like all forms of excersise yoga takes practice. My girls don't always create the perfect dog or giraffe pose but with each attempt, they get better and better. They enourage and help each other as well as cheer the other on. This also leads to other sorts of creative movements with their bodies which I always encourage.
I usually use My First Yoga with the kids during our bedtime routine as a way to settle them down and calm their bodies before going to bed. Yoga is quiet, calming and relaxing. The poses require patience, holding certain postures and breathing in a certain way. I've really noticed that the girls seem calmer and more relaxed before laying down for bed and tend to fall asleep a bit quicker.

A lot of times we parents get so wrapped up in our daily stresses that we forget or aren't even aware that our children have stress, too. Yoga is a great way for them to relax and control the stress in their lives. The breathing techniques and meditation is a way for them to remain calm and stay focused. Teaching them this at an early age is beneficial so they can learn when to implement the techiques, such as before a big test at school.
I recommend My First Yoga to all families that want to introduce yoga to their children in a fun, educational way.

Abbie Davies is the owner and founder of My First Yoga. She graduated from Harvard University where she studied how movement and excersise contribute to self-confidence and esteem. Abbie's love for yoga combined with her passion for athletics and children, translated into her development of My First Yoga's curriculum.
If you're in the Boston area, please check out the My First Yoga website and learn how My First Yoga programming can be brought to you.

Abbie has so kindly offered one lucky Mom-a-Logues reader a copy of the book My First Yoga.

Manditory Entry:

1.) Visit My First Yoga and tell me something you learned.

** Be sure to include your email address with each entry.**

Extra Entries:

2.) Follow Mom-a-Logues via GFC.

3.) Follow Mom-a-Logues on Facebook.

4.) Follow My First Yoga on Facebook.

5.) Follow Mom-a-Logues on Twitter.

6.) Follow My First Yoga on Twitter .

7.) Add my button to your blog and let me know where I can find it. (3 entries)

8.) Enter another one of my giveaways and tell me which one you've entered. (3 entries)

9.) Blog about this giveaway. (10 entries)

This giveaway ends 12/11 at 9pm cst. Winner will be contacted via email and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be selected. Good Luck!

{Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book My First Yoga, mentioned above for this review. No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own.}