Thursday, November 25, 2010

Yer a Wizard, Harry!

Have you guys watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 1?
Well, I'm a huge fan of it books, but not the movies.
I stopped watching Harry Potter movies since the third sequel because they all were kinda disappointing.

But seeing the euphoria of this movie I thought I should watch it.
News said that this sequel has the greatest amount of people watching on its premiere among the others.
Is it really that good?

I love Harry Potter, i read the books quite long ago, before it became popular just like now.
I was at elementary school at that time. My favorite books are Harry Potter 1-3. I love only the happy ending ones, teehee.
Harry Potter 4 and so on was getting darker, and darker.
I just don't like it, esp when Dumbledore died!

Well, although I've not watched all the movies.
I'm giving you an infographic about all Harry Potter movies here.
click to enlarge ! :)