Friday, July 30, 2010

Construction and No Internet

We're getting pretty deep into the construction at the house. There's no floor in the living room, and no kitchen at all, but we're trying our best to deal with it without going too nuts.

At one point yesterday morning, the contractors unplugged all our cords and cables to our TV, Internet, Phone, Etc, so we've been dealing with no internet at the house too. I was so worried about the shop at first, but I just had to take a deep breath and know that any questions anyone had, could wait one day. I spent our internet free day having picnics on the floor of the living room, organizing and cleaning, spoiling kittens, reading camera manuals, and catching up on some documentaries, and old cooking shows.

Anyways, internet is back now. One of the spare rooms is finished, so we've fashioned it into a little make shift living room, so at least we have a small peaceful spot. Sales and questions are more than welcome at the shop, but it's probably going to be a few days before you see any updates with new items for sale.

Please see my post below this to enter the Montana Snow Vintage Giveaway! :)

Everyone have a fantastic weekend!