Thursday, July 22, 2010

"The best night of my life"...

Last night was the big Aquatennial Torchlight Parade. We went. And now I'm tired. Really tired. Midnight is way too late for me to be staying up on a work night. Whew. Thank goodness for Coca Cola! This little 20oz bottle just might save my life today. But, it was so worth it. We had a blast!

Adam mentioned to me the other day that our friend Laurie, who is now the Director of Loring Park in Minneapolis, was going to have her big park festival the night of the parade. The festival was from 4-7:30 and the parade started at 8:30. Could it be possible to actually do BOTH? NEVER...not with 2 little ones who get cranky past 8. Not to mention me. Dawn + Tired = Watch out!

I couldn't miss the parade. I've brought Alexa every year since she was born. We are awesome at squeezing next to the K102 tent at the very last minute, basically getting VIP treatment by all who work for Center Point Energy. Plus, we're up close and personal with the hosts of K102 (the announcers of the parade) Donna Valentine and Muss. Awesome, I tell you, AWESOME! So, as you can see missing the parade is just no option.

Laurie always hooks us up with thousands of tickets for her festivals, so my girls can partake in every single activity like 5 times. Plus, my hubby does all the grilling, so FREE FOOD! AND we are friends with or at least know everyone who works there, so my kids are like VIP's getting extra time in the jumpers, extra goodie bags, free prizes and ice-cream. My girls and Laurie's kids (Kaitlin and Joseph) pretty much run the place. How could we skip that, right?

I went into beast mode and told myself it was possible to do both without losing any of my hair. The girls and I drove right into Loring Park. Literally right into the park. I told you...VIP's!!! Laurie was waiting with our arm full of tickets and the girls went crazy playing all the games, making crafts, jumping in the jumper, shaking their tail-feather's..ect. And then they did it all over again...and again..and again. They were in heaven, and I was too...watching their smiley faces have the time of their lives. After Papa hooked us up with some hotdogs and chips, we walked to claim our corner on the parade route.
As usual, our spot was waiting open for us at the K102 booth. We didn't have to wait long and the parade started. Lillian's little arm was waving the whole time. She jumped up and down like she had years worth of excitement built up and it came exploding out of her body. Adam joined us right as the parade started (his teens decided they wanted to watch the parade, too).
On our way home Alexa thanked me for giving her the best night of her life. How awesome is that? I wanted to cry and then I think I did ~ because I got stuck in a crap load of traffic and then I got lost. Ok, not LOST per say because I knew where I was and I knew where I needed to be, but just couldn't get there. Traffic+Construction+Detours = A Mixed Up Mess!! My GPS was even confused - it just beeped at me and lead me in circles. Somehow I managed to get home a half hour after Adam did and I left before him. Yep! AWESOME!! Thank goodness my little chica's were sleeping because I said a few naughty words quietly to myself.

But, it was the "best night of my girls' life", which makes it the best night of my life. And guess what? We get to do it all over again tonight - minus the parade.