Monday, May 23, 2011

Where On Earth Did The Weekend Go??

Even though I took the afternoon off work on Friday to have that extra time to spend with my family - the weekend still zipped on by me.  
Alexa had her Kindergarten music program on Friday - she was adorable and the their little concert was super sweet.  She had warned me of 2 songs that would make me cry.  She knows me well, because they did.  I didn't cry-cry - I just blinked really really fast and bit my lip throughout the whole song so I wouldn't become a blubbery mess.  I will post more on this later - I want to share photos (of course!)

Saturday morning our friend Isaac came to get started on our big painting project.  I mentioned last week that we're repainting our kitchen, living room, dining area and entry way.  It was a huge project and Isaac and my husband worked their butts off.  I'm serious - they never took a break.  Isaac left Saturday evening and Adam continued to work on it through the night (4:30am he came to bed).  While the house was being occupied by paint fumes and ladders, the girls and I attempted to go garage saling in the pouring rain.  When we decided that noone was stupid enough to keep a sale open during a down pour, I took them to McDonalds for lunch and so they could play in the playplace.  Although I h.a.t.e. McDonald's playplaces (yuck), the girls needed a way to let some energy out indoors while it rained.  When that got boring we went over to our friends house to help out with their daughters costume for her class play.  She is a butterfly fish.  Since I'm still new to a sewing machine, I decided to stitch it all by hand.  Considering that fact - I thought it turned out out.  At least from a distance you can't see all the crude stitching.  I'd insert a pic here, but due to my house being in shambles this weekend from painting - we had our internet cable disconnected and I wasn't on the computer at all to upload any pictures.
Isaac left Saturday evening and Adam finally took a break - it had stopped raining, so we were able to spend some time with the kids outside.  They were totally wore out and sleeping by 8pm, which gave me some more time to work on the costume and Adam continued to put another coat of paint on each wall. 
Sunday was spent doing touch ups, cleaning and putting my house back together.  The guys did a fantastic job and the colors look amazing.  I love how it all turned out and I'm SO grateful for all the work they did.  I promised them that I'd keep these colors for more than 2 years this time. haha  Thanks again Isaac and Adam for ALL your hard work and long hours - you 2 are amazing!!  Gracias!
I WILL be posting before and after pics this week!

Adam and I worked steady on the house Sunday and we felt so bad for basically neglecting the kids.  They played so well together (in their jammies all day).  Alexa really stepped up helping out with Lillian and they really did a great job fending for themselves and being patient with us working so much all day.
We treated them to icecream at the DQ for being such good little angels!

The weekend was a whirl wind and I can't believe it's already Monday!!

REMINDER:  The awesome ballet bag giveaway from The Little Bower ends tonight at 9pm.  Don't forget to ENTER! ;)