Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rubber Rain Boots!

Last week, I was talking to Belle, and she asked me if we noticed any new trends while we were in New York City. At first, I actually said no, because we were so busy I didn't even think about it while we were there - but then I remembered something that we noticed and kept commenting on! Everyone was wearing Rain Boots - Everywhere! Rubber Rain Boots, Wellies, or anything else you want to call them.

Okay, it was a little bit rainy that week, but only on and off. We weren't dealing with floods! Many of the girls we saw wearing the rubber boots weren't wearing raincoats, and they didn't even all have umbrellas! We saw rain boots in ever color of the rainbow, and in all kinds of patterns. Ladies were definitely matching their outfits to their big tall boots! What a different fashion trend! What do you think?

I was surprised to see how many different styles were paired up with the boots! That's the best part!

Do you have a pair of Tall Rain Boots? What do you wear them with?
Photos in this post Via Weheartit.