Saturday, May 21, 2011

Red Hibiscus Flower with Calamansi (Written by Island Food Community of Pohnpei)

* 20 flowers
* 2-3 calamansi
* 1 gallon of water
* Sugar (if desired)
* Ice cube


1.    Bring the water to boiling.  
2.    Pick flowers and clean them.

3.    Put the flowers in the boiled water.  Water will turn purplish.


4.    Take the flowers out of the boiled water.

5.    Squeeze the calamansi into the purplish boiled water and water will turn bright red.

6.    Add sugar(if desired) and add ice cube.

This beautiful tea recipe was sent to me from:
Ecky Upritchard, please kindly check her amazing blog at: 
Pure Thought