Friday, October 15, 2010

It's the Weekend! Blog Hopping around!

WOW, that week went by fast!  Here it is Friday again, and I'm rather stunned to find out a whole week has passed by!  I did get a lot of reading done this week, caught up on writing a lot of reviews,  and hope to get more over the weekend!

Don't forget that I'm still looking for my 300th Follower on Google Friend Connect!  I have a lovely prize package for that special person that includes an autographed copy of Kimberly Fisk's LAKE MAGIC, plus some other special goodies!  So, don't forget to click that little FOLLOW button!!  I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

And I hope to bounce around some of the other book review blogs out there to see what everyone is reading!

Book Blog Hop is a weekly meme sponsored by Crazy For Books (

Question of the week is: When you read a book you just can't get into, do you stick it out or move on to another book?

My Answer:  My opinion is that there are so many wonderful, fascinating books out there to be enjoyed, why waste your time on a book that doesn't bring you pleasure. If a book doesn't grab me in the first few chapters, I chalk it up to a no-go and move on!


 Have a wonderful weekend, my friends!
