Wednesday, October 13, 2010

In Between: Backyardsenfest and Updates

Just a little filler, just whiling away my days

Whoa. So my blogger only just converted to the "new" posting scheme and it's a bit trippy, I can see why everyone was complaining. Why is it that you cannot rotate pictures nor do they upload as they are originally?! That is, the right way around! I'm sorry if you have to incline your head for the picture above, I tried my best to get it the right way around but I guess this is a glitch blogger needs to work on.

Last Sunday there was a massive college event called Marksenfest that I boycotted (I didn't think paying AUS$60 just to drink the whole day away was worthwhile), instead of selling my soul I decided to go to a friend's place instead for what we all called "Backyardsenfest". And that was A LOT more fun and relaxed and we even had the same things Marksenfest apparently had - wading pool, face painting (hence the picture above, I got a dragon on my chest! The artist is AMAZING and I'm actually going to pay her to paint a picture for me), drinks...but we also had a slushie machine, popcorn, Bathurst, Guitar Hero and a very good crowd of people. All in all it was a great day and I'm glad I had some time off from all the stress of university and other things.

I have an assignment due every single Friday this October - no lie! - and it's definitely taking a toll on me. As two of my subjects depend entirely on assignments I'm a little stressed out about getting good grades. Two exams out of a potential four may sound like a blessing but truthfully I think I would have preferred tackling four! So I've been a little tied up with all of that along with some other personal issues but that's life for you.

I just thought I'd include a little snippet of my weekend and hopefully next week I'll have a bigger update. Hope everyone is having a good week, have a good weekend!