Friday, October 15, 2010

It's starting to feel a lot like...{Fall}..

It's finally starting to 'feel' like fall.
It's been 'looking' like fall for awhile now, but the temp's have been in the 70's and 80's recently, so it hasn't really 'felt' like a typical October!
This morning, however, I could feel it. My feet were cold on the bathroom floor and I could see my breath when I walked outside.

I don't consider myself very crafty, but I I have to admit turning
THIS.. THIS, was a lot of fun!

I found the ugly pitchers on the side of the road with a 'free' sign on them. I drove by at first, but then thought about all the cool things I could do with them as I drove on and ended up turning back to grab them. My wonderful husband spray painted them for me, the girls and I took a nature walk to find the sticks and we all together made the little ghosts out of kleenex and ribbon. I tied them to the branches with fishing line and tied a couple ribbons around the pitchers and voila!! The picture isn't that great, but it sure adds to the feeling of fall in my house.
While I love taking the girls to a pumpkin patch, jumping through hay bales, making our way through corn mazes and picking our pumpkins out from a field of millions ~ I just could not pass up the offer just a block from our house. 2 pumpkins for $5.00, plus as many free gourds as we can carry. It isn't our traditional way of selecting our Halloween pumpkins, but so much cheaper.

Here are the gourds we picked. I added eyes to one. Cute?

The girls and I are going to the corn maze in town with some friends on Sunday while Adam goes to the Vikings game. It's a win/win for both of us. Now, let's just hope the Vikings can put a "W" up on the board for Minnesota!

:)'s Friday! (: