Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Halloween Treat

Hi Everyone--
I have a cute little surprise for you today as a Halloween celebration! My daughter Jenny went as Frida Kahlo one year for Halloween. Here is Jenny when she is not in costume.

And here she is as Frida.

When I was typing to my friend Marfi one day, I realized that her 2 daughters went as Frida for Halloween too. So, the two of us decided to post our daughters together on our blogs to show you how cute they looked! Marfi’s blog is at: Incipient Wings!

This is Gabriella, Marfi’s oldest daughter.

And this is Helena, Marfi’s youngest daughter.
When Marfi tried to put flowers in her hair, she couldn't keep them in because Helena kept trying to eat them! How cute is that?

How cute are our “Frida’s?” Pure fun!