Monday, August 16, 2010

Lovin *elymode* even more!

Jennaa Wears:

Skin: ::Tuli:: Jade (tone 3/br) :: 01b. (Buy here)
Tattoo Layer: ::Tuli:: Jade Makeup by Elysium (tone 3/li) :: Astarte 3. The full series is available at the Tuli main store. (Buy here)
Hair: Magika Hair - Friday - In The Shade Of Blonde C. (Buy here)
Eyes: pc eyes by LL - autumn - early frost (medium). (Buy here)
Earring: tram Peacock  Earrings B right. (Buy here)
Top: *elymode* simply sheer tank- purple/green. Part of a gorgeous gift sent out to the group. (Buy here)

We all know by now that Elysium Eilde is one very talented lady, but did you know she has been working on a secret project for quiet some time and it's finally here? Elysium the designer behind *elymode* and Tuli Asturias from ::Tuli Skins:: have joined forces, and put together an amazing collection based on Tuli’s latest amazing release Jade skin. Elysium created some kick butt tattoo layers for the skin and just like her brilliant photography the tattoo layers are bursting with emotion and color.

The tattoo layers will only work on Jade skins of the same tone, as they are blended with the Jade base skin, not just a transparent overlay, to achieve the very best result. You won't believe the results trust me. Make sure you run and grab them!

Jennaa Wears:

Skin: ::Tuli:: Jade (tone 3/br) :: 01b. (Buy here)
Tattoo Layer: ::Tuli:: Jade Makeup by Elysium (tone 3/li) :: Alala 1. (Buy here)
Hair: Tukinowaguma Elvira Pink+Ribbon. (Buy here)
Eyes: pc eyes by LL - fairy eyes - cinderella bright (medium). (Buy here)
Eyelashes: [ glow ] studio - AnnMarie - Windy. (Buy here)
Shirt: *elymode* celestial journey shirt in the shade of white. Worn without the cape. (Buy here)

In other *elymode* news *elymode* has reopened with new releases, gifts and group exclusives!  The *elymode* main store has received a face lift, thanks to Feles Seitan. It is stunning! Elysium has also set up a wonderful flickr site so if you want to see the vendors before you head down to the shop just go here:

Thanks so much Ely for making every day in SL a beautiful, amazing and colorful day!