Monday, August 30, 2010


....and it is a Happy Monday.
Because I actually feel like I had a weekend, the kind where I sat and watched TV, read a book, took a bath and didn't feel like we were moving at fast speeds.

Friday night we enjoyed a game of bean bags with our good friends and neighbors, Jamie and Dave. It was guys vs. gals and I'm PROUD to brag that Jamie and I A LOT! :) Later we had a bonfire and the rest of our friends and neighbors joined us. It was so nice to sit and visit while all the kids played so well together. This is one of the things that I'm truly going to miss about summer..the awesome neighborhood bonfires. My bed time came and went and I eventually took the kids home. I let them snuggle in bed with me. Lillian slept butt naked, the way she prefers to be. Adam joined the king sized bed, with our 2 kids and the dog a little while later.
Saturday morning, after we slept in til nearly 10, the doorbell rang. It was a girl from down the street. She was having a garage sale and was selling some of her clothes that she thought might fit Alexa. We got dressed, grabbed a bowl of cereal and walked down to her sale. Sure enough, we found some adorable treasures for Alexa..(and some My Little Ponies for Lillian). Delany is a little fashionista, much like Alexa, so they share the same taste in cute sparkly clothes. We decided to continue our garage saling extravaganza and found a few more sales with treasures. We hit up Sonic for some slushies and drove through our old neighborhood, thanking God that we no longer live there. Then we ordered pizza.

After the kids went to bed I got a text message from our friend and neighbor across the street. It said, "We are kidless.." Our kids were sound asleep in bed, so in a way we were kind of kidless, too. So, we invited them over for a few drinks. We laughed so hard. Good times.
We all slept in again on Sunday. Hoot!

Adam mowed the lawn while I got myself and the girls fed and dressed for church. We got in the car and drove up to the church and...there was ONE car in the parking lot. Hmm?? There was a sign on the door that said mass was outdoors today at the fair grounds. FUN!! Adam's smile was followed by his eyes rolling back in his head. I knew he was (thinking)..."why did we have to pick TODAY to go to church?" So, I said (outloud), we're on adventure babe, an outdoor mass kind of an". We drove out to the fairgrounds and saw that everyone was carrying their own lawn chairs. Awesome. We didn't know mass was outside today, so we didn't pack our chairs along. Luckily we had an old beach blanket in the back of the car. As we were walking we ran into Adam's old football coach from Albert Lea. He happens to live in Farmington, not too far from us..and what do ya know, he goes to our church. We stood and visited with him and his wife for a bit and then joined the rest of the congregation out on the lawn for mass. It was hot. We kept moving our blanket to keep in the shade. But, oh what an adventure. In fact, I prefer mass outdoors every Sunday in the summer. Afterwards, we stayed for the huge picnic they provided. The food was absolutely delish!! We ended up staying and chatting it up with Adam's old coach and his wife. He still commutes back and forth to Albert Lea to teach and coach and his wife is the head of Community Ed in Farmington. It's nice to have that connection when getting our kids involved in activities. Wanna know what else? His coach also played for the New York Giants. How cool is THAT? (P.S. He's HUGE!!!)

We made a quick stop at Sam's Club before heading home. We plopped on the couch and the girls watched more iCarly. I read. Adam surfed the net and grilled us dinner. Ahhh relaxation! It was so hot out, we wanted to take a walk, but ended up setting the sprinkler up underneath the trampoline for the girls to enjoy some water fun before calling it a night. They had an absolute blast. Lillian was surprisingly really into it, considering she usually doesn't like to get wet.

Hope you're having a Happy Monday, too!!
What did you do this weekend?


Monday also means it's time to "make friends"!

Making Friends Monday brought to you by:

Living on Love and Cents, The Thrifty Things, Reviewed by Mom, Coupons are Great and Mon Cheri