Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Doe a deer a bow a...beer?

When Celeste (go read her blog here) tweeted about Katie's blog Be Inspired I was inspired. Inspired by a beautiful blogger and her amazing make up and clothes and it seemed like after a very long time I was inspired to actually get back into the swing of make up and caring about what I wear, for you see dear readers, I've been so very down for so long.

Anyway, one particular entry of Katie's caught my attention and out of curiosity I wondered if I would be able to do the style myself. The style? Putting your hair into a bow, literally!

So after watching the video recommended by Katie and featuring the cute Nee, I took my hair tie and managed to actually replicate the style without the aid of bobby pins or hair spray! Maybe it is because my hair is so thick? I didn't do the style too high up as I preferred it a little lower as so I didn't look too sickly adorable and quite liked it that way. What do you think? My hair isn't as neatened up but this was my first try so it's imperfect! Cannot wait to actually try it out for a proper day out to see how it will hold up with just a hair tie holding it together.

EDIT: In my excitement over blogging again, I forgot to mention how I managed to do the bow using only a hair tie! 
- You tie your hair up into as high of a ponytail as you desire (this is where your bow will sit), tie it up with your hair tie and tight as possible (I do about three ties)
- Just before you do your final tie, you pull your hair through only half way so you have a semi-bun and a tail (get my drift?)
- Split your semi-bun in half (the bow) and then take the tail and curl it around the base of your semi-bun and bring it through the middle where you have split your semi-bun then tuck it into the hair tie
- Voila! No need for bobby pins and if you have super thick and evenly long hair like mine you do not require hair spray to hold it together or keep stray strands in place but if you need to use hair spray to neaten it up and maybe use a bobby pin or two to keep the bow standing upright more if you do not want it drooping.