Tuesday, March 22, 2011

CVC Blending

Happy Spring! 
Although it doesn’t feel much like Spring here in the Northeast!!  Snow is in the forecast for tomorrow night againYUCK!!!
I wanted to share an activity I will be using with my K students to help them blend simple CVC words.  I am calling it, “Bloom Blending” because I found this bucket/vase/thingamajig at my grandmother’s house this weekend that says, “bloom!” right on it.  I added the word ‘blending” and decorated it with some ribbon and flowers I had leftover from some other craft projects.  (A simple pot could just as easily be transformed.)
The download includes 48 flowers, each with a simple VC or a CVC word on it.  The flowers with the white centers are easier to blend because the initial sounds are continuous.  The flowers with the yellow centers are more challenging because they mostly begin with stop consonants. 
Here is a sample of one of the pages.
You can download the entire document here.
Hope you enjoy!
~ Mrs. Mc