Monday, May 24, 2010

Weekend Recap

Long car ride to Elbow Lake.

Bonfire with my parents.

Alexa served us cookies and chex mix.

Slept in my new room at home.

It felt like sleeping in a B&B.

Visited Dr. Kastner and got my 'thing' checked out.

My spine is tight, causing my ribs to be out of place.

Might need another adjustment later.

Saw Geoff and family. It had been quite a long time.

Visited Grandpa Dick. Made his day, and ours.

He gave Alexa and Lillian a kite.

They flew it in Grandpa and Grandma's back yard.

Courtney's grad party in Morris.

She looked gorgeous!

Absolutely LOVE her family.

She will join Tiny at MSUM and study Elem. Ed.

She had the best apple/snicker salad.

Her picture displays were amazing.

Church in Morris.

Supper at the Knotty Pine.

Good quality time on with family.

Alexa and Lillian served us bugs, grasshoppers and chocolate crab with their toy dishes.

Lillian kept asking us if we wanted 'beer'.

Thunderstorm Saturday night.

Loudest crash of thunder I've ever heard.

Thought the house was crashing down.

Lillian peed all the way down my side.

Had to unpack the car to get us new clothes.

Drove from Hoffman to Glenwood on a 'closed road'.

Celebrated Blake's graduation in Hutchinson.

He served soft serve ice-cream.
Visited with Grandpa Carroll and Grandma Katie.

Blake will be joining Jennah at St. Thomas to run track.

We are so proud of Courtney and Blake.
Best of Luck to you both!

Lillian slept all the way home to Farmington.

So excited to see Chip.

But, Chip puked a few times.

Alexa and Lillian ran through the sprinkler to cool off.

Dawn laid in the sun.

Adam mowed the yard.

Alexa and I did a puzzle.

Adam and Lillian played babies and barbies.

Alexa fell asleep.

Lillian stayed up and watched TV with Adam and I.

Another busy, eventful weekend.