Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Special Gift, A Tip, and a Giveaway!

Hi Everyone--
My house is all decorated for fall from the front door throughout all the living spaces...pure fun! And, my daughter Jenny just bought this precious scarecrow "Welcome Sign" for me...I love it and had to share it with you!

I also want to tell you a quick story...

The other day, I went to pick up some furniture...I was at the back of Ashley Furniture (near the pick-up window) and started walking around...when to my amazement, there were various tiny pieces of hardware that were on the ground that had rusted...I was in full swing picking them up so I could start a collection of "rust" elements for my art...If you live near a big furniture store with a pick-up bay at the back, you might want to try it too...I was in "rust" heaven!!! lol
