Wednesday, September 29, 2010

CRUSH - Diane Von Furstenberg

I am smitten, crushing on, totally in love with these shoes from Diane Von Furstenberg!

DVF Cutout Guardian Suede Lace-Up Ankle Boots, In Black.

The first time I saw them was flipping through my September copy of Vogue Magazine, and I haven't stopped thinking about them since! Unfortunately, at $344.00, they are surly out of my price range, but a girl is allowed to dream about shoes, Right?

I am hoping to maybe find a very similar, slightly more affordable version, wish me luck! (Or point me in the right direction! :)

Here's the DVF Ad that grabbed my attention in the first place -

Check out the rest of the amazing DVF Collection Here.

What shoes or items are on your fall wishlist?