Sunday, March 21, 2010

Very Excited!

Josh and I have finally made a decision as to what approach we want to take with Reagan's education. It's something we've been discussing for a long time and while I've been working at doing school at home with her, we now have an actual direction to take.

I am so excited to begin Reagan's Classical Christian Education. You can read more about that approach here, a snippet from the Ambrose School. As we've felt led to homeschool Reagan, this is the approach that I will be using to teach her. I'm so very excited, as I feel that I can learn so much from this program as well.

All my life I've felt that there were so many gaps in my education. That we were taught bits and pieces with these huge holes....and I don't want Reagan to grow up with that kind of an education. She is so curious, so intelligent--I want the entire world to be opened up to her to learn from. And if we are able to give that to her, then we are absolutely obligated, as her parents, to do so!