Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Good Night!!!

I had such a great night last night. I picked up the girls, who were both outside playing on the playground. They were both pushing the babies on the swings. I think the 'baby' Lillian was pushing was actually bigger than she was. We stopped at the bank and the girls were given not one, but two suckers each. Spoiled.

We drove home and pulled into the garage and Grandma Debbie from across the street yelled over to me, "Don't Cook". I was like, "What?" and she said "Jamie told me to tell you not to cook. She made you supper." Sure enough, a few minutes later Tyler (Jamie's son) walked over with a big bag of food. Lasagna, garlic bread, hamburger cheese dip and a big bag of chips. It literally made my day. It was the most fabulous gesture they could have done for me at that moment. I was exhausted and the last thing I want to think about when I get home is what to make for supper. It rejuvenated me and made me smile. The girls and I dished ourselves up and enjoyed each and every bite. Yum! It was perfect.

After my second helping, I bundled up the girls and leashed Chip and out for a walk we went while enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. I pulled the girls in the wagon and popped suckers in their mouths, so they wouldn't want to head home from tired feet after only half a block. A gentleman down the road made the comment to me "You have your hands full with 2 kids and a dog". I said "Yes, but I love my life. I didn't have to make supper tonight. My neighbor made me lasagna." Ahh. I turned my face up to the sun, smiled and continued on my merry way.

I put the girls in their jammies when we got home. Ok, I put Alexa in her jammies and let Lillian run around naked for about an hour before she finally stopped running and jumping long enough for me to catch her and wiggle her into her pj's. We sat in a heap of blankets, pillows, stuffed animals and dolls and watched Dancing with the Stars. Could my night get any better?

Why, yes it can! Adam came home with a red box movie in hand and a big buddy cup of coke for me to drink to stay awake through the whole entire movie of NEW MOON! I was in heaven.

Needless to say, the caffeine worked a little too well, as I was still awake tossing and turning in my bed til 2am, leaving me exhausted again today. But, it was worth it. I'm still smiling over Jamie's delicious lasagna and how wonderful my life is.

P.S. Scroll back to the post about Alexa's playdate with her friend Emma. I posted some pics.