Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Scrappy Time!

Hi there!  I hope your Monday was a good one. I came home from work tonight all prepared to go into the studio and work on an upcoming class project that really needs to be finished an photographed ASAP.

Instead I turned on Mr. Lappy and saw a message that was posted  on my friend Sue's blog that said Betty told her that Melanie was having a little challenge over on her blog, I figured if Betty and Sue were going to have a little fun, I should too.  So I had to go and see what it was all about.  Melanie has put up the challenge for us to use the scraps that are on our desk right now.

See that little pile of stuff up there?  That is what was on my desk.  I also had the GKD Spring Mix set out, so I decided to use it with the scraps.   I came up with the two cards below. 

What a fun way to use up my scraps!  Thanks for the challenge Melanie, I really enjoyed it!  Now, I am off to get some rest.  Nighty night!