Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patty's Day!!

I hope everyone is wearing some green today. Alexa has been talking about the color green and leprechaun's for a week now. They've been talking about it at school and preparing for the leprechaun's by setting a trap. Every year the leprechaun's come (usually while they are napping or playing outside) and destroy their classroom's. And every year they try to trap them. So far they haven't had any luck catching them, but she is hoping they do this year. She said, if they do catch them, they'll just introduce themselves and then let them go.

She was full of questions this morning; how old are the leprechauns, how big are they (she thought maybe the size of a pencil) why do they pinch you if you're not wearing green, when do they pinch you, why do you have to wear green, do parents have to wear green or just kids?

I tried to answer her as best as I could, but there were just some things I didn't know.

Adam had early meetings today, so I took the girls in to school all donned in their green outfits. All the children were wearing green and the teachers were, too. They are going to have green eggs and ham for snack today. I wonder how many will actually eat it? Ha ha!

As I am a smidgen Irish, I even wore a green shirt to work today. I don't want the leprechaun's pinchin' me, either. :)