Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Beautiful Things Happen When A Woman Trusts God by Sheila Walsh

How do we learn to trust? Is it as a small child, when we trust our moms and dad to do what is best for us? Trust is a part of everyone's lives. Today's review is of a book that addresses how to learn to fully trust God to help us do what is best in our lives.

Trust is one of the most important elements in any relationship, but when that relationship is between you and God, trusting Him explicitly not only strengthens your spiritual life, but enables many miraculous things to happen. But there are times when letting go and fully trusting is a difficult choice.

In her new book, “Beautiful Things Happen: When A Woman Trusts God,” Sheila Walsh takes readers on a journey into her past, a past where depression and self-doubt threatened to crush her faith in herself and her faith in God. But along this journey, Walsh discovered that simply by trusting God and allowing Him to make decisions and provide guidance, that life could be all she could want it to be and more. And the more she trusted God, Walsh found that she became more trusting of everyone and everything else.

Scottish-born Walsh is best known as the co-anchor of Pat Robertson’s “700 Club” during the late 80s, early 90s, as well as for her powerful singing voice. In 1992, she left the “700 Club” to seek treatment for severe depression. After intense treatment and therapy, Walsh enrolled in Fullerton Theological Seminary in California, and began to renew her career with special interest in helping women understand their walk with God.

Now residing in Plano, Texas with her husband and son, Walsh is now a frequent guest at the popular “Women of Faith” conferences held around the country.

“Beautiful Things Happen When A Woman Trusts God” is a deeply personal and moving testimony of one woman’s walk through the dark valleys to find that God had never left her side, but was with her through the trying times. Walsh is open, honest, and at time amusing about her experiences, and she lovingly shares the lessons she learned generously.

An in-depth Bible study is included which encourages readers to explore the subject of trust further with scripture references, and suggestions for how they apply to everyday life.

Walsh tells her readers in her introduction to the Bible study, “I believe that if we can learn to rest in His trust, so many of the things that plague us from day to day will dwindle from torrential storms to light drizzles.”

I reviewed this book as a part of the Thomas Nelson Book Bloggers Program, and received the review copy as a part of this program. I was not obligated to provide a favorable review.