Sunday, February 21, 2010

pages gadget?

Sorry I've haven't been posting lately. After my big push to get my website up I found myself avoiding being on the computer anymore than absolutely necessary. Consequently my blog has fallen behind. However now that I'm feeling a bit more energy for blogging again.

Not to make a commercial for blogger out of this post but I'm quite excited about the new "pages" gadget. I've wanted to add other pages for a year now. Holy Crap! It's about time blogger added this option! I was even toying with switching over to wordpress. Now I'm sticking with blogger. The trick now is to figure out what pages I thought I wanted to add all those months ago. lol!

So far I've added an "Available Herps" page. I don't have much on there but I had to do something with the new gadget. lol.
