Friday, February 26, 2010

Olympics come to a close this weekend...

I'm so happy that it's Friday. :)

We've still been obsessing over the Olympics. We've been letting the girls stay up to watch, too. It's been nice actually. I don't feel as stressed out about getting them to bed before 8 every night. Alexa hasn't been having naps recently at school, so she has been tired and usually falls asleep in her Papa's arms on the floor curled up with blankets and pillows watching the latest Olympic event. Lillian on the other hand, has been getting used to staying up later and likes to stay up until Adam and I want to go to bed. Little stinker.

I think we're ready for it to be over and I'm anxious to see the closing ceremony on Sunday. GO TEAM USA!

I have been trying VERY hard to get Alexa's dance recital video posted on here, but I'm afraid the file is just too big. I'm going to have Adam try to splice it this weekend, so I can show you at least a small portion of her performance. It's worth watching, trust me.

Have a great weekend.