Friday, February 19, 2010

I Love My Kids! :)

Yesterday I needed to take the girls to school right away in the morning before going to work, as Adam was on an interview panel for work, hiring for some new positions in the Park Board. So, they had an early morning and a long day. Plus, we've been up late for the past week and a half watching the Olympics. I knew the day was coming where my kids were just going to crash and sleep for hours at a time just to catch up, or get sick. One of the two.

Well, yesterday it came. Alexa ran up to me and said "Mommy, I didn't get to go to the front room today!!" When I asked her why, she said "Because I fell asleep". She had this real sad pouty look on her face. (She normally gets to go to the front room with the school aged kids while the others take their naps.) She told me that Ms. Kate tried waking her up, but she didn't want to open her eyes. When she finally woke up and was disappointed that she didn't get to go to the front room, Ms. Tracy told her that it was her body's way of telling her that she was tired and needed some rest. She is well rested now and should be good to go for her dance recital tonight. We are all looking forward to seeing her showcase her wonderful talents and what she has been working so hard on for the last few months.

Then we went to Lillian's room to pick her up. She was just coming in from outside. I stood by the doorway, getting Alexa's jacket and backpack ready and looked up to find Lillian with her pants down and her little butt cheeks showing. She was trying to take her snowpants off and ended up pulling her pants and panties down, too. It was so funny. This other little girl looked at her and quickly looked around and informed me that it was ok, because no boys were looking. It cracked me up.