Monday, February 22, 2010

Dance Recital/Furniture Shopping/Choir Concert

We had yet another very busy weekend. Do you remember me saying something last summer about being anxious for fall and winter, just so things would slow down a bit. Well, it's almost March and we are still moving at full force. I'm afraid what the summer will bring.
Friday night we had Alexa's dance recital at In the Company of Kids Creative Arts Center in Burnsville. My Mom and Dad were able to make it down for the big event, which was great. Alexa felt so proud to have them there to watch her showcase what she has been working so hard on for the past 3 months. I learned that I'm one of those dorky looking Mom's in the front row of every one of my kids' performances with a big huge grin on my face, camera in hand, waving at my daughter on stage. She smiles and waves back, just to please me.
Once the show began, I literally could not wipe the smile off my face. I was so proud of Alexa and I didn't care what I looked like. She nailed every step - stole the stage!! She sang loud enough for me to hear her and kept with the beat the entire time. We got the whole thing on tape, so as soon as I'm able to get that uploaded, I will post it on my blog for you all to see. Dancing is clearly Alexa's sport.
We congratulated her with a bouquet of pink daisies and stayed for cake and juice afterwards.
Even though we seemed to wake up really early Saturday morning, we didn't get moving til around 2pm. We went to JoAnn Fabric's to look for some canopy material for Alexa's bed. Either I wasn't in the mood to make a decision on what color or kind of fabric, or I just didn't see anything that quite caught my eye - but, we didn't end up getting anything. Instead, we went to Culver's to eat. Then off to downtown Farmington in search of the furniture store that was going out of business. We found a furniture store, but it wasn't the one that was going out of business. Nonetheless, we tested out some nice, big, comfortable couches and chairs and eventually found the other store, the one that was going out of business. In hopes of finding a table for my parents new kitchen, all we found was that their 'going out of business sale prices' were actually more than the prices at the first place we went to.
My Mom finished hemming my kitchen curtain that she made for me when we got home and then her and my Dad took off back to Elbow. I put the girls in the tub, we all got into our jammies and Lillian complained of a tummy ache. She was in so much pain and I was 'this close' to bringing her to the ER (worried of her appendix) when she finally was able to relax and let out a little toot. She laid on my lap for awhile before sitting up and saying, "Tummy all better Mommy." Whew! We watched a bit of the Olympics and then off to bed.
Alexa had her friend Madison come over to play Sunday morning. It gave Adam and I (with the help of Lilli) some time to clean out our kitchen cupboards and rearrange some things for all the new stuff we had gotten last weekend from my Grandpa's apartment. I had to make room for all my Grandma's beautiful dishes. We still have a lot to go through and clean, but we accomplished a lot and have a good head start. I love spring cleaning. I may be a bit early, but what the heck.
Sunday afternoon we went to the new Farmington High School to watch our neighbor's choir concert. It was exciting for us to be able to see a glimpse of inside the new school and be there to support Tori. We went out for ice-cream with Inna and Tori afterwards.

Lillian, playing with my sunglasses during the choir concert
Inna, Lillian and I at the choir concert

Benski came over last night and had supper with us and stayed to watch some of the Olympics. It's always fun to have him over and it's been quite awhile, since he has been so busy working lately. Adam made some delicious enchiladas and rice and we had ice-cream and brownies for dessert in Grandma Louise's sherbet dishes.
Benski took off a little after 9 and we went to bed shortly after. Another very fun-filled busy on the go weekend. I have yet to start my laundry which are now in heaping piles on the laundry room floor and the dirty dishes that fill my counter-tops.

Pictures of the dance recital and the video to come........