Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Cutting Cafe Freebies and a Contest!

Regina over at The Cutting Cafe is giving away 2 different image packages and they are in different COLORS - yeah!!!  For those who are not technology inclined, like myself, Regina has already given us for FREE (yes I said FREE but only until Monday, the 8th) two different digital image sets in several different colors and the one I'm using above is the dots in brown.  There is another set that I can't wait to use with flowers!!!   Plus....after you have downloaded your freebies, if you make a project with one and/or both you can enter a contest for 4 of her sets (your choice).  So...I had already started this card for my hubby for Valentine's Day and was wishing I had a cute background so when I saw this on Regina's blog I knew what I wanted to use it for.  Here is my finished project...hope you like it!