Friday, February 5, 2010

Freaky Friday Challenge 2-5 {Priceless}

I am this week's Forum Fairy (kind of like a guest DT member) over at AC Bailey Designs. One of the things I get to do is come up with this week's Freaky Friday Challenge.

Here is this week's challenge: In keeping with our family's love of word-play, this week's challenge is to use an advertising slogan as your main title/journaling element. It's OK to tweak the slogan to make it fit your picture. Also, use only one large photo and some buttons.

The journaling strips/title on my layout quotes our son's actual Facebook status the day after his son was born. When I read his status that day, I knew it had to be scrapbooked. :) I took this picture the first time our son held his son.

Journaling strips say: All the missed work...Worth it. All the lost sleep...Manageable. Watching the love of your life go through 20+ hours of labor...very hard. Getting to hold my son...priceless.

Tag up in the top left corner says: Ian's Facebook status 10/23/09 2:33 pm.

Supplies: Paper: Studio 8 Paper Company - Dinosaur Land Collection (Fossil, Brontosaurus, Jurassic, & T. Rex); CS - Georgia Pacific; Buttons - MM (In Bloom); Lettering: American Crafts Thickers - Subway, Computer Font - Eurostile; Adhesives: Glue Glider Pro, Gossy Accents, Xyron, Zots Glue Dots; Misc: DMC floss, chipboard, Nestabilities Label 3; Design inspired by Pagemaps Jan. 2010