Friday, August 14, 2009

Thank God for Rain..

Alexa and Lillian with their faces painted.
Painter Park Festival
August 2009
Lilli Kitty
Alexa and our neighbor, Cody (3).

Lillian helping daddy clean the garage

I was so thankful that it started raining yesterday afternoon, so the girls and I could just stay in and be lazy. Wednesday night I brought the girls up to Painter Park, where our friend Laurie is the director. Adam volunteered to help her out at her Park Festival manning the grill, of course. Laurie supplied the girls and I a huge handful of tickets, so we were able to participate in each and every activity more than once.

Knowing they would get "candy" as prizes at some of the games, I made them each eat a hotdog before we even got started. We sat and had a picnic in the grass before the girls saw Kaitlyn and Joseph (Laurie's kids) with their faces painted and wanted to get theirs painted, too. Alexa got a butterfly and Lillian a kitty cat, just like at Flekkefest. Lillian was a little antsy (probably because it was 90 degrees with 70% humidity) but I think she turned out pretty cute. See pics above.

After face painting, Alexa wanted to ride the pony - then made a couple crafts (a monkey magnet and a bracelet), played some games (fish pond, pick a duck, pick a sucker and bean bag toss), went in the moon walk and the obstacle course, got a tattoo and then did it all over again. The kids were so good and they each had a blast. It was nearly 8:30 when we finally left and Alexa started complaining she was hungry. She wanted some cereal when we got home, but we didn't have any milk. So, we stopped at Cub quick, grabbed some milk, strawberries and cottage cheese and then realized once we left, we forgot zip-lock bags for Alexa's lunch. So, we stopped at Target quick before making it home. Adam beat us home and was already in the shower. I threw the girls in there with him to wash off their face paint and sweat. Lillian was so sleepy, that she fell asleep almost instantly after I put her jammies on. Alexa ate some cheerios and fell asleep on the couch. Whew, what a long day, especially in the heat.

So, it was nice driving home yesterday in the rain, knowing that we would just stay inside. Our play date got canceled, too, so a perfect day to be in and be lazy. The girls ate a good dinner and then I let them take baths in the kitchen sink again. They made bubbles and played so well together. They helped me clean up and then went to bed. They were both sleeping by 9, which is early for us lately.

Adam extended his hours even later last night, just because it was his last night of extended hours and he had a lot of kids want to stay. He was then able to be at Best Buy by midnight to be first in line for the new Madden 2010. Very exciting!
Alexa had a field trip again yesterday to Bryant Park in Bloomington. She said she sat by McKayla on the bus and had lots of fun.

We will be home this weekend preparing for the big Benefit Garage Sale in a couple weeks. I need to start pricing all of our stuff. Hopefully it won't take too long. I'm getting donations in already - I'm excited. I'm hoping we'll have a big turnout. Adam works late again tonight. They are having like an "end of summer" party at one of his parks. Our friends Travis and Ly want us to get together at their new house in Eden Prairie at some point, too.